Criticising NG is fine and definitely warranted but at least try and back up your comments with content and treat GJ the same way.
When did other brands come into the discussion? I’m not sure why they had to be brought in to prove a point when this entire discussion had nothing to do with them in the first place.
Other brands come into the conversation because you make comments with unsubstantiated facts about NG (like the one you made about Gemini making more Euro models than NG the other day) and then give GJ a pass when they do far far worse regularly. This is called context and is important when looking at what people say.
Remember the Avelo 737 that came out a couple years ago? I wasn’t very fond of that model either, as was many other people, but from my perspective it wasn’t worth it to pass on GJ’s rendition and wait for NG. That’s why I still got it. As of June 2024, no one else has done an Avelo plane in any scale except Gemini Jets. I have no confidence that NG is going to do an Avelo plane. I’m surprised Panda hasn’t even touched that subject yet!
You're the perfect GJ customer. You'll buy any products they make and stay quiet when you're not happy with it then complain NG have major problems, which you haven't substantiated, when they are producing a much better product over and over and over.
You can be unsatisfied with a model and still buy it at the same time; just don’t be excessive with your complaining.
I agree. I wouldn't own 1500 Aeroclassics if I loved them all equally, however there are still some standards!
I, for one, have kept my mouth shut about those problems because we all know what they are. It’s redundant to have it be brought up every time JC/GJ use that (or any other mould that gets frequent criticism) for a release. Being quiet about these issues when I want to buy a model makes me more likely to get it, especially if it’s a subject I desire.
This is were I disagree. It isn't redundant. You are a commentator on the models (with your own channel) and yet you choose to look the other way and assume everyone watching your material knows what they are. Repetition is one of the most important aspects of speech or message delivery, especially when the audience is unknown or changing. By being quiet on this sort of thing, even when literally discussing it makes you somewhat complicit.
I’ll disregard the part about variety of airlines because that’s a subjective topic and that debate could go on for hours.
It isn't. There is no way Gemini have a more diverse set of releases in any world. They do what they do and that is fine but to complain about NG's diversity while giving Gemini (and others) a free pass is a double standard.
However, Gemini Jets is most certainly not after shutting down competition. If they were, they’d be getting into serious legal trouble, and it would be of my understanding that the supposed “letter” Gemini Jets sent to retailers several years ago about “if you’re selling NG Models, you will be cut from our retailer network” would violate laws regarding anti-competitive practices. I also understand that this “letter” would’ve essentially sent them on a kamikaze mission, killing any and all sales they could achieve from retailers, and they would go out of business themselves. This proved ineffective in its strategy anyway, as retailers are still selling both brands to this day, so I can reasonably conclude that this “letter” was false. I can guarantee they’re smart enough to realize that and disregard whatever retailers do with NG, and any other brand for that matter.
This is nonsense. The letter was definitely not false - I have a copy of it and it was even published on at least one retailer's website! Also in addition to what Jorge said on this they still vet retailers before they allow them to stock their own products and turn them down if they don't like other products they are stocking. Panda's mini-brands like Miniature Models have been a target here. They act and operate like a cartel, which is directly against the interests of collectors.
I’m not sure where you’re getting the perception of a “double standard”; NG’s problems are more significant than just having mould and printing defects. It’s been made clear to me that NG has some kind of issues within management (what exactly is uncertain and I’m sure I’ll never know). Issues with just the models would constitute far less a response from me personally than issues with models and with management.
I don't think it is clear NG have any special issues. I do think it has been clear that they have made decisions that some collectors haven't liked around model releases and that they have bitten off more than they can chew in terms of the amount of new mould production. Those are decisions and arguably only the second one is an issue.
For some reason complaints about NG seem to get magnified and they are held to a different standard. As I said you could use the same language about any 400 scale brand and claim there are 'management issues' because they all do things that from the outside look odd and aren't well performed. The list of 'issues' is longer for the other brands.
So to summarise:
- You criticise NG in a way you don't other brands
- You'll buy what GJ make regardless of the quality if it fits your collection criteria
- You actively avoid criticising known issues with GJ because 'everybody knows it already'
- You have made statements about NG that aren't backed up by fact
- You have made up your own truth about GJ's actions even when there is plenty of evidence to the contrary
- NG apparently have 'significant management problems' that you haven't really defined
- You mention above NG printing defects, which in reality are certainly no worse than what is seen from others and I'd argue less significant
That is why I percieve a double standard and why I struggle to accept some of what you say.