MAF General Chat


Well-known member
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that MAF is running on its own? Ali seems to have untangled himself from the hobby altogether. @redriveraviation himself said that he doesn't have enough time to keep an eye on things. The new owner also doesn't seem to be too involved, he is a busy businessman. I actually enquired about any moderator openings, but the answer I received was to schedule an online meeting through Flying Media to talk about it. In the end, I pretty much stopped pursuing it, not really feeling like going to a job interview to moderate a model airplane forum. I sense a disconnect between Flying Media and our community, but maybe that's only me.

Has any of the other more active members inquired about becoming a moderator? It would be great to have someone that is actually present keeping an eye on things.

The last heated argument pretty much ran its course on its own, and that might have even been a good thing in the end. But there are other things, such as moving threads and changing user names that also need a moderator to be present.

Hopping to call the attention of someone that can make it happen.
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that MAF is running on its own? Ali seems to have untangled himself from the hobby altogether. @redriveraviation himself said that he doesn't have enough time to keep an eye on things. The new owner also doesn't seem to be too involved, he is a busy businessman. I actually enquired about any moderator openings, but the answer I received was to schedule an online meeting through Flying Media to talk about it. In the end, I pretty much stopped pursuing it, not really feeling like going to a job interview to moderate a model airplane forum. I sense a disconnect between Flying Media and our community, but maybe that's only me.

Has any of the other more active members inquired about becoming a moderator? It would be great to have someone that is actually present keeping an eye on things.

The last heated argument pretty much ran its course on its own, and that might have even been a good thing in the end. But there are other things, such as moving threads and changing user names that also need a moderator to be present.

Hopping to call the attention of someone that can make it happen.
Yeah I feel the lack of moderation here too. This community with poor moderation is still running very civil though. Maybe we could ask Connor to hand out moderation to people he fully trusts the next time he's back.
For me honestly I prefer that the discussion are managed by the interested people… and I hate when the post are deleted.

Also for the off topic discussion… I do a step over and I don’t care so much….
Yeah I feel the lack of moderation here too. This community with poor moderation is still running very civil though. Maybe we could ask Connor to hand out moderation to people he fully trusts the next time he's back.

Yeah, let's see, I think it is beyond his control though. Flying Media's intention with the purchase of MAF and Midwest seems to be to grow the scale model business by proactively selling the product (i.e. not really interested in being active on the majority of discussion that takes place on these platforms). That is a topic of discussion for another time as it is a monster of its own. This hobby seems to strongly resist becoming organized and mainstream, largely an underground network of mass-produced artisanal work, which is good and bad.

The thing that bothers me the most are threads posted in the wrong section. Lack of moderation indeed!

Yes that happens, I saw that, and decided to post this.

For me honestly I prefer that the discussion are managed by the interested people… and I hate when the post are deleted.

Also for the off topic discussion… I do a step over and I don’t care so much….

That's the key, I think Connor is the only moderator right now for practical purposes.


Anywho, as @Aviation Enjoyer said, this place is still very civil, so, if it isn't broken don't fix it I suppose.
Yep, Connor is pretty much it, as far as moderators go. I am impressed that everyone is civil on here, and about the only moderation that's really needed is moving threads to the proper section.
I have my say on the hobby, I see that it is a very niche business, and seniors are more than young people, and as I read from another post, it is true that they have a high purchasing power compared to a junior, but they are much less. therefore the business must make both seniors and juniors happy, with the money of papy and mamy.
Currently the companies that make models are not exactly in the moonlight, as how many use licenses? how many not? they are more the ones that produce under-the-counter models. Even the hobby is not populated by many people and accessories are also in short supply. (When compared to model railways).
Now, setting aside DA.C that only talks between AC and others who work without licenses (and that it is boring after a while, as a consumer I don't care about your quarrels, I am interested in the product being the best possible at an affordable price).
In Europe there are not so many shops for collector's models. Or at least, I don't see any decent ones in Italy or in Poland.
So... in my opinion it's a very niche hobby and here too I always see the same people exchanging ideas. (Personally I'm also fine with it, as a number, as we are - I'm part of it too - a community that manages to dialogue, and to exchange ideas! Sometimes divergent, and that's fine, because if we don't compare ourselves we can't grow, and above all if everyone likes the same material... what's the taste?).
Returning to the topic, I don't know the Midwest, nor the media that owns the forum, but in my opinion I don't see that we need super moderators.. other than doing maintenance in the discussions... I see little else to do... but at the same time, I think we need to be ready for a change, or if people arrive with incongruous intentions.
As for the business.. I don't know how much it can grow with this forum, as regards the willingness to be a moderator, honestly, if a person wants to propose himself.. why not? I hope they take you into consideration and that you can become a moderator =) Better one more than not having any =)
The site certainly needs better administration of threads. As for moderation there is only one user who really needs it, and we all know who that is. @Jazajia although I don't doubt your honest intentions you have shown a worrying tendency to want to censor speech that doesn't break forum rules and to mollycoddle people who a) work actively against this site's interests and b) constantly break the rules on any forum or group they inhabit.

That hardly suggests you are a suitable admin to me.