New Database Website

People should be able to upload pictures themselves based on a few criteria to ensure acceptable quality, you as admin just have to approve them. Otherwise it will be very difficult to get pictures of Dragonwings and other brands that no longer exist.
I second this, I'd imagine that some of us would be more than willing to get the chance to photograph our collections.
People should be able to upload pictures themselves based on a few criteria to ensure acceptable quality, you as admin just have to approve them. Otherwise it will be very difficult to get pictures of Dragonwings and other brands that no longer exist.
And there also needs to be some kind of verification that the picture matches the model described. But, user-contributed photos would be in the spirit of real-world photo sites such as

The site looks great and I look forward to the things to come! I know this will not be a priority, but just something I would like to eventually see is special livery sorting (Pink ribbon, sports, Pokemon, etc.). I know this is not important to all collectors, but I think it would really help collectors with specific interest.
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The site looks great and I look forward to the things to come! I know this will not be a priority, but just something I would like to eventually see is special livery sorting (Pin ribbon, sports, Pokemon, etc.). I know this is not important to all collectors, but I think it would really help collectors with specific interest.
How about Southwest schemes by state or by name? For example, there have been three different Lone Star One, and three different Triple Crown One throughout history. Not all of us have the tail numbers memorized...
Brief update for everyone:
Photo uploading has begun! Thank you to weisling53 for providing the first one. I'm continuously working to improve the interface to make it quick and easy. I'll be on vacation next week, so less progress then. Thank you, again, for everyone's support. I'm glad to be working on a project that many will find useful and interesting.

And there also needs to be some kind of verification that the picture matches the model described. But, user-contributed photos would be in the spirit of real-world photo sites such as
AI would be great for this problem! Too bad I don't know much about coding with that yet. One day.
For now, they will need to be manually reviewed. As stated, I'll be seeking moderators at some point in the future.

I would like to eventually see is special livery sorting (Pink ribbon, sports, Pokemon, etc.).
Searching by special livery will be pretty easy. But it won't be in a nice drop down... you'll have to type it out.
Brief update for everyone:
Photo uploading has begun! Thank you to weisling53 for providing the first one. I'm continuously working to improve the interface to make it quick and easy. I'll be on vacation next week, so less progress then. Thank you, again, for everyone's support. I'm glad to be working on a project that many will find useful and interesting.

AI would be great for this problem! Too bad I don't know much about coding with that yet. One day.
For now, they will need to be manually reviewed. As stated, I'll be seeking moderators at some point in the future.

Searching by special livery will be pretty easy. But it won't be in a nice drop down... you'll have to type it out.
Thanks for the follow-up, Jay. Just a thought, but could the livery grouping work under a tags field separate from the actual livery name as well? I'm just thinking of my young nephew that loves Pokemon and airplanes. I may not know the name or what is available in special liveries, but a custom tags field that I can search for anything someone has tagged as "Pokemon" would be helpful to even know what is available in addition to search for the specific special livery.

Again, thanks for the awesome work you are doing!
Funny enough, I had planned on posting an update today, so thanks for asking!

I've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes, building out the administrative side of the site. While much of that can't be seen, it's crucial to the maintainability of the database. I'm making sure there is a solid foundation. There has also been a lot of user-facing UI enhancements.

Next on the docket is filling up the database. I've already added most of the known brands. Many thanks to @YesterAirlines for diligently recording a good portion of model airplane history on his website. I've been able to piece together a decent picture of all the sagas. :censored:

With those two pieces (mostly) done, in the coming weeks I'll be adding more and more models. However, it is impossible for me to comb through and verify every piece of data that I come across. It is becoming very clear that collaboration will be required to obtain any sense of accuracy.

I'm picturing a sort-of "ambassador" system, where anyone that is willing looks after a portion that they are interested in or have deep knowledge of. So for example, someone might want to maintain all of the BAe 146s, because that's their favorite airplane to collect. And someone else looks after all the Emirates birds because they fly on them all the time. Or whatever you're reason might be. These areas of interest can overlap, be as small or large as one likes, and also have multiple ambassadors. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? :unsure:

Otherwise, the site is pretty much ready to go. I'll keep it in beta phase for now, but still open to anyone that wants to join. If you don't have an account yet, just send me your email and I will send you an invite.
Having a little trouble with the import feature, all seems ok but once I click begin it seems to just timeout? No error message like when I mis-entered my username, more just the standby and loading circle and then it just stops.
kindly chiming in here, first of all, fantastic website so far, loving it. On the other hand, I thought already has a somewhat good collection of all models? Just wonder how you would eventually position this site given the existence of others like the one just mentioned -- I'm sure it would have something unique.

Since I work in tech I might be able to help with trouble shoot, reach out anytime.
kindly chiming in here, first of all, fantastic website so far, loving it. On the other hand, I thought already has a somewhat good collection of all models? Just wonder how you would eventually position this site given the existence of others like the one just mentioned -- I'm sure it would have something unique.

Since I work in tech I might be able to help with trouble shoot, reach out anytime.

What sets MADb apart is that it is modern, collaborative, and independent. Those are all non-existent at the other database.
Additionally, I am putting a focus on making it extra personal. Some DBs also have that, but I want to extend that further, creating a place for collectors to really showcase their collection.
Some suggestions for the website:

- The aircraft type filter is very confusing with text jumping left right everywhere. I also think it's too specific sometimes, making it difficult to find a certain model because you didn't realize it's put under another type.

- The ordering should be changed. For example: the 737's go from 737 classic to 737MAX, 737NG and then 737 Original. Everything should be sorted logically, not only alphabetically.

- Bigbird category should be expanded into Bigbird mk1, mk2 and mk3.

- I question whether the NATO callnames should be used as it's not the official name given by the manufacturer.

Aircraft types that are missing:
- Vickers Vanguard
- Antonov AN-10
- Canadair CL-44
- TU-154B / -154M (now there is only "TU-154")
- Boeing 707-200
- Boeing 314 Clipper
- Boeing 747-200SUD
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The aircraft type filter is very confusing with text jumping left right everywhere. I also think it's too specific sometimes, making it difficult to find a certain model because you didn't realize it's put under another type.
Understood. I may try to think of a better way to display/pick these. The current idea is that sometimes you want to be able to drill down to a very specific type, and other times maybe not.
The ordering should be changed. For example: the 737's go from 737 classic to 737MAX, 737NG and then 737 Original. Everything should be sorted logically, not only alphabetically.
Agreed, I will work on that
Bigbird category should be expanded into Bigbird mk1, mk2 and mk3.
I'll admit I'm not well versed in which ones are which. I understand a bit about the lineage, but not everything. I'll add 2 and 3, and if anyone knows which are which, please submit corrections.
I question whether the NATO callnames should be used as it's not the official name given by the manufacturer.
Those were mostly included for my organization purposes. But I agree they don't need to be shown in most places.
Aircraft types that are missing:
Added. Thank you!