DAC feels like an old guy walking with a cane

Because someone else did, about needing a subscription on DiMA.
The DiMA database was built on the back of the DAC database.

When Waffle first took DiMA down many collectors begged him to bring it back and some suggested a subscription model. Looks like he actually took them up on it 😅. I haven't visited DiMA in a while. @YesterAirlines Make sure you get your cut for the data you entered 😉

The thing with DAC and Wings900 is that the owners simply have no interest in doing anything other than collecting ad revenue. I believe they own a lot of these kind of sites and just leave them to rot while collecting the money. Arguably, the shall we say, 'moderation style', at DAC is offputting for a modern audience too, but probably the biggest issue is simply that forums are no longer the preferred way for younger collectors to engage with the hobby.

When I started the shop, I tried to contact the vsadmin at DA.C (The Head Honcho) to ensure that I could "advertise" without breaking the rules. I sent emails and PMs, but I haven't received a response. As I understand, they can actually charge retailers to advertise and "sponsor" threads. So it looks like Vertical Scope, the owners, have abandoned DA.C. They don't even care about revenue now.
A shame IMO, I feel that there could be one big site where everyone posts and lurks. Would certainly strengthen the community as long as most of us here can still realize differing opinions are okay! We collect little tiny airplanes, lets at least have a bit of fun with it all said and done you know? lol

I mostly just wish the Airport section was a bit more used across all sites. I miss the days of 2-3 posts/day in those sections of new updates and stories. Its something I'm hoping to bring back (at least personally) as I make and finish more dioramas (terminals are my kryptonite right now lol). I understand keeping planes in boxes or tucked back in shelves but whats the use if you aren't bringing them out to display and maybe even take some nice photos every now and then 😄 My brain loves the creativity surrounding the hobby in that way, even more than just collecting to collect, which is still fun don't get me wrong.
I like the sentiment behind your thinking, but sadly that’s very innocent dreaming there!

As you’ll see demonstrated in the last few posts above, there are things in play between certain individuals which would never see them brought together or harmonized into one big ‘happy family’. Too much bad blood there.

Caught between all this are ordinary collectors (the ‘joe public’) who just want to enjoy the models and that’s it, they have no other stake in it.

When dirty laundry spills out into these spaces, it causes big problems especially when moderators are involved, and that’s what happening on DAC, MAF and 400SH.

You’d need an environment completely free of any of the ‘big personalities’ involved and completely free of the baggage.

The airport modeling sections spread across all of the existing forums are awesome and these really do deserve their own unified space - completely specific to this area, just about the modeling aspect and nothing else. Keep up the creativity 👍
Thank you for your thorough look into the history of both forums. I didn't know before why it was called W900 and not other numbers. I also started my "serious" collecting process approx 12 yrs ago by joining a Vietnamese hobby forum which has a small section dedicated to aircraft model and for the Western front - W900. I was really inspired by Leo - eagerly for the photos of his diorama (the thread was really popular) and Charter for the glance of new releases. I have an account at DA.C and other forums but rarely post there. I also joined a host of FB groups but posting on forum just feels different. To me, MAF makes posting very convenient as I don't need to upload my photos into other cloud servers with a more modern UI. As of late I post mainly on MAF but not on FB anymore (I wanted to become a bit anonymous there too).
Very welcome and thanks for sharing your story. Interesting to hear about the Vietnamese forum, of course there must be a few country-specific forums out there that we don’t hear about 🙏

Forum posting is different, I’ve never really got into the FB groups as I find it’s format too transitory/temporary, it disappears too quickly and does not feel like a solid point of reference and the attention span is very short.

I think the diorama & modeling aspect of the hobby is a powerful source of inspiration to many, including myself 🙏

Again, you highlight the importance of a modern UI attracting users. A key thing here.
I like the sentiment behind your thinking, but sadly that’s very innocent dreaming there!

As you’ll see demonstrated in the last few posts above, there are things in play between certain individuals which would never see them brought together or harmonized into one big ‘happy family’. Too much bad blood there.

Caught between all this are ordinary collectors (the ‘joe public’) who just want to enjoy the models and that’s it, they have no other stake in it.
Alex the way you write it is 50:50 as if there is no right and wrong. I find that very disingenuous. If you take out the abusive threatening parties (AK, the family members of GJ and sometimes Waffle) from the community then there is basically no conflict. Arguably the 'ordinary collectors' you speak of like yourself are complicit in some of the continuing issues in the hobby by not supporting the rule of law and pandering to people you know are bad and wrong, but just produce models you want. That path leads only one place as the US is currently demonstrating.

You'll note that in places where the rules are applied (i.e. here on MAF and on the Facebook groups (all 4 of the big ones)), the bad actors are excluded due to their own actions and there are no issues of note. Funny that - and yet you make it sound like everyone is equally to blame for the atrocious behaviour of a small number of people who have power because they are involved with brands and retailers.
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What a pain! It took me months to collate my collection into Excel and that’s at a modest 500-odd.

I added all the date fields in with full detail, lucky I kept a .pdf of my DiMA collection as otherwise it would’ve been trawling through years of receipts.

The extra functionality MADb offers with currency options is handy then. I go through my CC bill to get my overseas purchases recorded accurately, definitely more work the way I’m doing it now but I don’t mind it.
I couldn't work out how to get a record of my data from DiMA. I copy/pasted every page.

I wrote a macro to convert USD to AUD. However for some reason I had to find the receipt for a model and it was way off as it was a year where there were large fluctuations in the rate.

I need to get to it and sort out the rest of my collection (and see if MADb has an export function!!!
I couldn't work out how to get a record of my data from DiMA. I copy/pasted every page.

I wrote a macro to convert USD to AUD. However for some reason I had to find the receipt for a model and it was way off as it was a year where there were large fluctuations in the rate.

I need to get to it and sort out the rest of my collection (and see if MADb has an export function!!!
I've had that issue as well. I try to have the prices in USD but have bought lots of models in RMB and GBP. The exchange rate changes make it hard.

I think it's always sensible to keep an Excel copy of your collection - websites tend to come and go
Alex the way you write it is 50:50 as if there is no right and wrong. I find that very disingenuous. If you take out the abusive threatening parties (AK, the family members of GJ and sometimes Waffle) from the community then there is basically no conflict. Arguably the 'ordinary collectors' you speak of like yourself are complicit in some of the continuing issues in the hobby by not supporting the rule of law and pandering to people you know are bad and wrong, but just produce models you want. That path leads only one place as the US is currently demonstrating.

You'll note that in places where the rules are applied (i.e. here on MAF and on the Facebook groups (all 4 of the big ones)), the bad actors are excluded due to their own actions and there are no issues of note. Funny that - and yet you make it sound like everyone is equally to blame for the atrocious behaviour of a small number of people who have power because they are involved in brands and retailers.
Ok Richard, you’re really forcing my hand.

Have you forgotten what happened here in 2022?

You openly tried to force me and others into taking your side back then, and I wasn’t having any of it - you were subsequently removed as moderator here following that debacle!

I then had many uninvited personal text messages from you whereby you attempted to influence me into taking your side, pin my colours to your mast, and question my position in general, always citing that by being neutral, I am taking a side.

There was the occasion where you were worried that Andrew might use my posts as ammunition against you.

Following this, I qualified on DAC that I did not want Andrew using my posts in that way.

I kept it as a friendly discussion but it wasn’t comfortable and I felt I had to handle you with kid gloves in the matter.

Those gloves are now off - don’t you ever do this again.

By contrast - Andrew has never done this.

He has never contacted me personally out of the blue, uninvited, made me explain my posts to him, or try to encourage me to take his side.

If I like his models, and openly praise him for them, that in your view is fraternizing with the enemy.

I can’t do anything about that - that’s your problem.

I’m also not in his ‘inner circle’ and I don’t ‘pander’ to him or anybody else. Let’s get that straight right now.

I’m not bloody well having it.

You know full well that I’ve critiqued his models too (recently, the A300 wing issue).

Andrew is moderated on DAC - abusive posts deleted and he’s been periodically banned as well. Threads get locked.

You want me to say I don’t like his abusive posts toward you?

I don’t - ok.

He’s also not the complete monster as you’d like to make out either.

It’s not all black-and-white, there are many shades of grey.

I make the point that there are a handful of big players who are clashing with each other, and that spills out onto the forums.

That’s the truth of it.

You have power too Richard - and you know it.

You’re not a neutral force.

You’ve built up your own base in this hobby and have a hand in quite a few groups.

You happily wear the badges as ‘group expert’ and talk from that self-appointed position.

You defend your own body of work just as rigorously as the others - and you’re perfectly entitled to do that.

You also have a big ego - and truly, I don’t mean that as an insult!

It’s a natural trait some people have, all media personalities have it, and you need it to suit that kind of work and attract the attention, following and plaudits it brings.

It also brings criticism and to be honest, I don’t like your style.

You’ve taken on the mantle as an influencer and big presence in this hobby. You’ll realise the risks that involves.

You are not judge and jury either, yet your post above demonstrates your automatic assumption of that role, as I’m having to sit here yet again defending and explaining myself to you, raising my blood pressure in the process.

Don’t tell me that I’m pandering to anyone and don’t assume anything about my political standing.

Even in the other thread recently, where I was trying to get to the bottom of the tariff situation, you responded in such a way initially that I could’ve locked horns with you there, as if by consulting a government department was making me a Trump supporter.

When I saw that you’d become a staff member again I immediately felt anxious, and for good reason.

I’m not treading on these egg shells again with you here or anywhere else, any more.
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I couldn't work out how to get a record of my data from DiMA. I copy/pasted every page.

I wrote a macro to convert USD to AUD. However for some reason I had to find the receipt for a model and it was way off as it was a year where there were large fluctuations in the rate.

I need to get to it and sort out the rest of my collection (and see if MADb has an export function!!!
Bummer, you could’ve generated a .pdf download for it the whole time! There was a link to print the collection/want list, wherby an option to save as a .pdf was presented in the print dialogue.

Clever work on writing the macro. Rate fluctuations complicate it, which is why I record that entry as I go along from the month’s CC bill.
What a delightful thread to read through you guys. I was already planning to thank you all for it, and turns out Quanng bit me to it. But seriously, it had been a good while since any forum had such a productive, engaging and pleasurable conversation.

Even Brinkley, TCS and Air Paradigm were mentioned, I talk about 400 scale diecast nostalgia.

@Barison82 You seem extremely familiar with the history of the forums, and I would love to have a chance and pick your brain on that topic a bit more. One thing that stood out is the fact that Waffle controlled DA.C at one point... Crazy, he has been banned form the site since before I started collecting in 2009. However, I do remember Air Paradigm, I bught my first few 1:400 models from there before the link started redirecting me to a then new store called Waffle Collectibles.

Recently, as a result of the MADb squable, Waffle wrote some passionate post on DiMA about his involment in the hobby and mentioned that he bought Air Paradigm from someone else. He had bought a few other stores since, but Air Paradigm seems to be the one that brought him to "fame." I have seen some old cources reffer to Collection Sales as Paradigm Sales, I would love to dig more on that.

Recenlty, I had the fortune to stumble across a news letter that ran between 2007 and 2009 called TOTS (The One True Scale), it is about 1:200 scale and a lot of the early volumes go over the history of 1:200 scale in England before 1:400 scale, and before mass-production in China, became a thing. The epoch this thread touches on is a nice continuation of that story. It is amazing to read and discover how nothing has changed really; the obsession with perfection, egos clasing, collection sales, etc.

Among the many pans that I have on the fire right now is the idea of creating some sort of newsletter or periodical. I normally wouldn't bring up some random idea like this, but I found the situation appropriate (I have had a draft in the works for a few weeks, but then again, I also have about 6 other drafts in the works since about. 3 months ago). While a collective forum is an utopia, as some have mentioned here, I believe a periodical could serve as some sort of string phone for the collecting community. There have been many short-lived and failed such initiatives I know, but why not add another one to the list? :ROFLMAO:
Jazajia, you are more than welcome to pick my brains on this topic anytime. God knows what you might find though 😂
Have you forgotten what happened here in 2022?

You openly tried to force me and others into taking your side back then, and I wasn’t having any of it - you were subsequently removed as moderator here following that debacle!

I then had many uninvited personal text messages from you whereby you attempted to influence me into taking your side, pin my colours to your mast, and question my position in general, always citing that by being neutral, I am taking a side.

There was the occasion where you were worried that Andrew might use my posts as ammunition against you.

Following this, I qualified on DAC that I did not want Andrew using my posts in that way.

I kept it as a friendly discussion but it wasn’t comfortable and I felt I had to handle you with kid gloves in the matter.

Those gloves are now off - don’t you ever do this again.
To be fair I still feel I'm right and you were wrong. Andrew's attacks have been baseless, personal, abusive and downright illegal. At the time I was under constant attack. If I just took umbrage with the language you used in this thread to suggest everyone is equally to blame then it is because it is factually incorrect.

By contrast - Andrew has never done this.

He has never contacted me personally out of the blue, uninvited, made me explain my posts to him, or try to encourage me to take his side.
Uninvited is strong. We had messaged and communicated several times prior to that. Asking for support from someone I thought was a friend is not exactly out of line.
If I like his models, and openly praise him for them, that in your view is fraternizing with the enemy.

I can’t do anything about that - that’s your problem.
That just isn't true. I praise his models as well. I have no problem with people praising his models - I'm one of his biggest customers.
I’m also not in his ‘inner circle’ and I don’t ‘pander’ to him or anybody else. Let’s get that straight right now.

I’m not bloody well having it.

You know full well that I’ve critiqued his models too (recently, the A300 wing issue).
I never said you did those things

Andrew is moderated on DAC - abusive posts deleted and he’s been periodically banned as well. Threads get locked.
His posts are left up for days and days often. He is not moderated in the way anyone else would be - i.e. permanently banned. He comes right back and does the same thing again and again. That is not moderation - that is tacit support.
You want me to say I don’t like his abusive posts toward you?

I don’t - ok.
Thank you
He’s also not the complete monster as you’d like to make out either.

It’s not all black-and-white, there are many shades of grey.
In person he is nice, mainly I feel because at heart he is a coward. I spoke with him a few weeks ago at AMS. Behind a keyboard he is a monster and his behaviour matches that entirely.
I make the point that there are a handful of big players who are clashing with each other, and that spills out onto the forums.

That’s the truth of it.

You have power too Richard - and you know it.

You’re not a neutral force.

You’ve built up your own base in this hobby and have a hand in quite a few groups.

You happily wear the badges as ‘group expert’ and talk from that self-appointed position.

You defend your own body of work just as rigorously as the others - and you’re perfectly entitled to do that.
If I have some power it is because I have worked hard to build something. Something that is about as unbiased as this sort of thing can be. The very fact I have some power as you say is because I have been so reasonable so almost everyone wants to work with me. My opinions are based on experience and knowledge - a lot of it not good experience. I am about as neutral as I can be given what I have experienced and know.
You also have a big ego - and truly, I don’t mean that as an insult!

It’s a natural trait some people have, all media personalities have it, and you need it to suit that kind of work and attract the attention, following and plaudits it brings.
It also brings criticism and to be honest, I don’t like your style.
That is your prerogative, but there isn't much I can do about that.
You’ve taken on the mantle as an influencer and big presence in this hobby. You’ll realise the risks that involves.

You are not judge and jury either, yet your post above demonstrates your automatic assumption of that role, as I’m having to sit here yet again defending and explaining myself to you, raising my blood pressure in the process.

Don’t tell me that I’m pandering to anyone and don’t assume anything about my political standing.
I'm not attacking you. I'm merely commenting on what you say. If anything you are attacking me.
Even in the other thread recently, where I was trying to get to the bottom of the tariff situation, you responded in such a way initially that I could’ve locked horns with you there, as if by consulting a government department was making me a Trump supporter.
Interestingly, I thought you were being a bit of a jerk in the tariff thread :) . I said what I knew and you started quoting some govt website at me, which was and remains incorrect. What I said was right and was backed up by Squatchy, Donald and others I have spoken too.
When I saw that you’d become a staff member again I immediately felt anxious, and for good reason.

I’m not treading on these egg shells again with you here or anywhere else, any more.
This isn't 400SH - you're not getting banned or edited unless the rules are broken. Your attitude towards me hasn't been very nice and frankly other than ask you once to support me when I was being hounded and threatened, which apparently is not ok, I haven't done anything wrong, whereas the people you equate me with are demonstrably nasty. You don't need to tread on eggshells, but you just don't have to be unpleasant. Nothing has changed since I've become moderator except you are suddenly getting on my back.

Hopefully to bring this to a sensible conclusion let me say that from my perspective you are a valued and skilled member of the community. I have no personal issue with you and I find the majority of your posts interesting and thoughtful. I have no anger towards you and apologise for any grievances you feel I have caused you. I obviously do feel strongly about the things I have had to endure from certain people, which I consider baseless, but you have never been responsible for them in anyway. Let's try and move forward assuming we are not trying to upset each other, as from my side I'd still like to consider you a friend if that is in anyway possible.
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Lots of gas-lighting going on in that lot, you really have this knack for getting under someone’s skin, drawing their ire and then claiming to be the victim afterwards when you’re squarely confronted with it. Then construe that action as ‘attacking’.

I’m not suddenly getting on your back?

I don’t agree that my attitude hasn’t been very nice either.

My reply was firm and I’m not budging from that. I was reacting to your post and giving my truthful thoughts.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know you from Adam - apart from our interactions in the forums, you are not a personal friend of mine. You’re an online acquaintance. The same thing goes for Andrew or anyone else here for that matter.

How do I know that I’d have your back if the tables were reversed? We have absolutely no background as close buddies. So let’s not even go there about trust and loyalty please.

I’m being a jerk for digging out all that official government information on the tariffs? Just because I’m trying to find something out and understand something?

One last thing on that one - you are completely wrong about the US gov./HTS/Border Force website. The info is all there and it’s completely correct - it has to be by law. Rev.3 was published the other day. That’s what I was trying to confirm!

We’re not going to see eye to eye on this at all, that much is clear.

So, let’s just agree here to move on from it and to never lock horns again - it’s a total and complete waste of time and energy.
You know I really never would have thought that my hobby of collecting small little planes would end up having so much drama😭

for real, the past is the past. What matters is the now and the more bickering and arguing that happens just makes things worse and worse. We must figure out how to acknowledge our differences from then and now and move past them. I just want good creative discussions with people as passionate as most of us seem to be!
Bummer, you could’ve generated a .pdf download for it the whole time! There was a link to print the collection/want list, wherby an option to save as a .pdf was presented in the print dialogue.

Clever work on writing the macro. Rate fluctuations complicate it, which is why I record that entry as I go along from the month’s CC bill.
Now you tell me!!! :ROFLMAO:
It is just a vlookup - nothing fancy.
for real, the past is the past. What matters is the now and the more bickering and arguing that happens just makes things worse and worse. We must figure out how to acknowledge our differences from then and now and move past them. I just want good creative discussions with people as passionate as most of us seem to be!
Let's all take a deep breath and let out a long sigh
stillness, thou shallt be mine.
Cheers, Love, Hugs to All✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼❤️❤️❤️