Alex the way you write it is 50:50 as if there is no right and wrong. I find that very disingenuous. If you take out the abusive threatening parties (AK, the family members of GJ and sometimes Waffle) from the community then there is basically no conflict. Arguably the 'ordinary collectors' you speak of like yourself are complicit in some of the continuing issues in the hobby by not supporting the rule of law and pandering to people you know are bad and wrong, but just produce models you want. That path leads only one place as the US is currently demonstrating.
You'll note that in places where the rules are applied (i.e. here on MAF and on the Facebook groups (all 4 of the big ones)), the bad actors are excluded due to their own actions and there are no issues of note. Funny that - and yet you make it sound like everyone is equally to blame for the atrocious behaviour of a small number of people who have power because they are involved in brands and retailers.
Ok Richard, you’re really forcing my hand.
Have you forgotten what happened here in 2022?
You openly tried to force me and others into taking your side back then, and I wasn’t having any of it - you were subsequently removed as moderator here following that debacle!
I then had many uninvited personal text messages from you whereby you attempted to influence me into taking your side, pin my colours to your mast, and question my position in general, always citing that by being neutral, I am taking a side.
There was the occasion where you were worried that Andrew might use my posts as ammunition against you.
Following this, I qualified on DAC that I did not want Andrew using my posts in that way.
I kept it as a friendly discussion but it wasn’t comfortable and I felt I had to handle you with kid gloves in the matter.
Those gloves are now off - don’t you ever do this again.
By contrast - Andrew has never done this.
He has never contacted me personally out of the blue, uninvited, made me explain my posts to him, or try to encourage me to take
his side.
If I like his models, and openly praise him for them, that in your view is fraternizing with the enemy.
I can’t do anything about that - that’s your problem.
I’m also not in his ‘inner circle’ and I don’t ‘pander’ to him or anybody else. Let’s get that straight right now.
I’m not bloody well having it.
You know full well that I’ve critiqued his models too (recently, the A300 wing issue).
Andrew is moderated on DAC - abusive posts deleted and he’s been periodically banned as well. Threads get locked.
You want me to say I don’t like his abusive posts toward you?
I don’t - ok.
He’s also not the complete monster as you’d like to make out either.
It’s not all black-and-white, there are many shades of grey.
I make the point that there are a handful of big players who are clashing with each other, and that spills out onto the forums.
That’s the truth of it.
You have power too Richard - and you know it.
You’re not a neutral force.
You’ve built up your own base in this hobby and have a hand in quite a few groups.
You happily wear the badges as ‘group expert’ and talk from that self-appointed position.
You defend your own body of work just as rigorously as the others - and you’re perfectly entitled to do that.
You also have a big ego - and truly, I don’t mean that as an insult!
It’s a natural trait some people have, all media personalities have it, and you need it to suit that kind of work and attract the attention, following and plaudits it brings.
It also brings criticism and to be honest, I don’t like your style.
You’ve taken on the mantle as an influencer and big presence in this hobby. You’ll realise the risks that involves.
You are not judge and jury either, yet your post above demonstrates your automatic assumption of that role, as I’m having to sit here yet again defending and explaining myself to you, raising my blood pressure in the process.
Don’t tell me that I’m pandering to anyone and don’t assume anything about my political standing.
Even in the other thread recently, where I was trying to get to the bottom of the tariff situation, you responded in such a way initially that I could’ve locked horns with you there, as if by consulting a government department was making me a Trump supporter.
When I saw that you’d become a staff member again I immediately felt anxious, and for good reason.
I’m not treading on these egg shells again with you here or anywhere else, any more.