Getting back to it with a scrap piece of wood


Active member
This is my first model airport ive done in the last few years. I just bought a few of these models and need to go back to my parents house to grab the rest plus all my materials! Made this little layout trying to be as realistic as possible, even if it doesn't full make sense logistically.

Fictional Airport located on the east coast of the US. The original terminal was constructed in the mid 1900s and has evolved to a mini passenger hub in the last few years, including an expansion. You'll find the remnants of the original terminal if you look at the rounded section and the still current check in/TSA Areas. It had 5 total jetways installed in the 90's but about 7 or so aircraft stands around the terminal. While the airport is limited in space, A mini expansion wing was built in the late 2000's to accommodate the larger aircraft and demand at the time. Terminal B is currently under approval, looking to re-locate a large portion of airport offices, parking, warehouses, hangers to another area on the other end of the airport. The new terminal would add roughly another 10 gates next to the little grass area on the right hand side. Local residences and businesses will have to be relocated due to this project as well so it has undergone a lot of debate. The current terminal has 9 total gates.

"Terminal A" as it is now being called is home to every airline serving this airport.

American Airlines (Gates A6-A9)
787-8 (with seasonal international service to Heathrow, Paris, and St. Maartin)

Delta (Gates A3-A4)
A330-200 (with seasonal international service to Heathrow)
767-300 (with seasonal international service to Heathrow and Amsterdam)

United (Gates A1-A2)

Southwest (Gate A5)

Breeze (Gate A2)

Frontier (Gate A2)

Air Canada (Gate A2)

A220-300 Not sure if I'll get super far with this specific project or not but it is fun to get back into it again. Next Steps are construction a terminal. I have never built a terminal from bits of cardboard or cardstock paper but thats the direction I'd like to go for now as I think they can look the most realistic. Any tips or material recommendation to look at would be great! I am also thinking thinking about sanding this board smooth and going over the pencil with different width black markets and staining it to hang on my wall. Lots of options at this point. Long term, I have been thinking about building either Philadelphia's Terminals B and C, full version of Sacramento/just Terminal B, a fictional version of Pittsburgh, or even Allentown ABE airport (I think someone on here did this one at some point)

Let me know what markings and design decisions I can change or edit to make this look more realistic, I appreciate all feedback :)
S/o to tarmacdesignsindiana for the jetways!

The main overview of the layout:

"The American Side" with all Americans gates. Lots of options for regionals to park on this side:

The new addition done in the late 2000s:

A little closer look at the remnants of the old terminal:

Another overhead view with no planes: