I am coming late but I have a few words that I'd like to extend to
Richard, congratulations on the wonderful work that you do with your website. I find it very noble that someone thought about documenting the history of small-scale model collecting and producing top-notch, well-researched, and well-written literature on the hobby. The first time I came across your website was in the middle of my collecting hiatus, I was researching something about Viasa, unrelated to scale model collecting, but when I saw it I could not believe my eyes as I sympathized 100% with the concept of documenting aviation history through die-cast models, and you have done an excellent job with it. I think it is obvious, but to make it official, your website is one of the main inspirations behind my own, and I still visit YesterdayAirlines regularly. So for that, you have earned my respect and admiration.
With that in mind, you have the absolute right to feel like an important influencer in the hobby, because you are. However, I think you are taking it a bit too far by suggesting that we should take sides with you and that those of us that remain neutral are by default not supporting you. I really wish you could take a deep breath and realize that it is simply not true.
I was really excited when I saw the MAF intro video in which you and the other two creators indicated that this was just a hobby, and as such, it was pretty pointless to allow drama and passions to get in the way of enjoying it; just like it has happened many times before over at DA.C and 400SH. I knew, however, that because of your prominent position in the hobby, you had been involved in some nasty arguments (whether you were right or wrong is not relevant here) and because of that, it was going to take some effort on your part to let go of those feelings and remain neutral. As a moderator, it is important to be partial, as it also is if we are to truly break away from the history of drama that has surrounded the forums of this hobby for decades.
I only know you as a collector, but I get the feeling that this might be more like a business for you instead of a hobby. If that is the case maybe you are not in the best position to be a forum moderator, and that is okay Richard. I for one won't think less of you because of that. Or maybe
@Midwest and
@redriveraviation could give you a second chance?
@Adrian is correct in saying that a moderator from a different continent is needed to provide around-the-clock moderation. What I would really hate is to see you go. Not only because we will be missing out on the wealth of knowledge that you have on this hobby, but also because the whole situation will leave a bad taste in our mouths for a while.
I have a lot of model stuff to go through, but I took the time to write this because I think it is important for you to understand that we do care about your feelings, even though we might not show it in the way you want to be shown.