Aeroclassics November 2022 speculation thread

Here they are. 3 x SAS DC-9 from AeroClassics 2008. From Left SE-DDR, SE-DBW and SE-DAR. I have on other DC-9-41 (not in the photo). It is OY-KGR painted in the Blue tail/red engines livery. Also released in 2008.View attachment 5681
Damn, I didn’t order the new release as I thought they might be the same as the ones from 2008 but only with new reg.
Seems to be too late now
Depending on where you're based, both SAS DC-9's are still available at Theshold Aviation in Canada, and JetCollector still has one of them up. ARD in the UK also has them, but more expensive there due to the UK VAT. Funnily enough ARD already sold out of the Ozark DC-9, that's obviously been popular with UK collectors!