Aeroclassics February 2024 release

It's the angled cheatline I'm on about. This Pan Am scheme had the angled cheatline tip. It shouldn't go straight onto the radome like that as if it was a straight through cheatline (like the original Pan Am 747). If there is no corroborating photos then that is a step too inaccurate for me but I could be wrong about this?

Checking there are multiple shots of 747s in this scheme with the grey nosecone. None have the cheatline meeting the radome and none have the black tip either:

N740PA, N739PA, N656PA, N732PA.

The black tip only appears on the standard white radome. Why oh why can't Aeroclassics factory staff use more than a single photo when they do their design?
We’ve been here before. Do you remember when NG mixed up the artwork in the production of their Pan Am SPs (N533PA)…“Clipper Liberty Bell” ended up with the angled cheatline tip (which it never had) and “Clipper New Horizons” had the cheatline all the way through (that had both, so was ok).

The name “Liberty Bell” was later transferred to another airframe which did have the angled cheatline tip - causing some confusion initially!

None of that stopped me buying those however, and they both sit proudly in my collection. It’s up to you in the end, but this is how it always is in any hobby 🙏
We’ve been here before. Do you remember when NG mixed up the artwork in the production of their Pan Am SPs (N533PA)…“Clipper Liberty Bell” ended up with the angled cheatline tip (which it never had) and “Clipper New Horizons” had the cheatline all the way through (that had both, so was ok).

The name “Liberty Bell” was later transferred to another airframe which did have the angled cheatline tip - causing some confusion initially!

None of that stopped me buying those however, and they both sit proudly in my collection. It’s up to you in the end, but this is how it always is in any hobby 🙏
The difference I guess is that both of the NG livery variants did actually exist. This version on the Aeroclassics is pure fantasy.
The difference I guess is that both of the NG livery variants did actually exist. This version on the Aeroclassics is pure fantasy.
They both did indeed exist but not on the specific airframe it was modelled on (N533PA), but I get your point regarding the grey radome in combination with black dot, which may not exist at all…

There is wealth of info out there outside of the internet, you never know if something could still crop up which could prove otherwise. Either way, I don’t regret picking this one up!
They both did indeed exist but not on the specific airframe it was modelled on (N533PA), but I get your point regarding the grey radome in combination with black dot, which may not exist at all…

There is wealth of info out there outside of the internet, you never know if something could still crop up which could prove otherwise. Either way, I don’t regret picking this one up!
It's the shape of the cheatline at the front that bothers me more.
It's the angled cheatline I'm on about. This Pan Am scheme had the angled cheatline tip. It shouldn't go straight onto the radome like that as if it was a straight through cheatline (like the original Pan Am 747). If there is no corroborating photos then that is a step too inaccurate for me but I could be wrong about this?

Checking there are multiple shots of 747s in this scheme with the grey nosecone. None have the cheatline meeting the radome and none have the black tip either:

N740PA, N739PA, N656PA, N732PA.

The black tip only appears on the standard white radome. Why oh why can't Aeroclassics factory staff use more than a single photo when they do their design?
Nice. These are factory fresh, unpainted radomes.
I'd even think that the replacement of radomes led PA to change the cheatline, so that whenever a radome change was in order the cheatline wasn't affected. The angled cheatline tip added to a clean "should be that way" look.

As for the model, given AC recent "keep it cheap" approach, I'd think it was done intentionally. Printing the angled tip would need more attention to be paid to artwork, clichee and pad printer setup. Printing it all the way to the tip and then overprinting it with a radome is simpler, quicker and cheaper.
The models seem to go quick regardless, so why take the hassle of getting details that you wouldn't see from three feet away?
AHHHHH I'm a bad person. I got the Pan Am even though it is inaccurate. Where are my principles! It does look better than the AA at leats but I guess I'm not learning.
If it makes you feel better, I just paid for mine on JetCollector myself. Debated about it for a bit, but we know it had to be a quick decision as they will be gone within the hour.

Here is the deal, I have managed to miss out on all Pan Am 747s (except the old GJ Clipper Carrier Dove, which I found at a local store here a few years after released). At the same time, I need/could use multiple Pan Am jumbos on just about any livery variant as for many years they ran several a day between Caracas and Miami, sometimes JFK I believe also. These things are expensive on the second-hand market, so?

Yes, we all have hopes on NG, but they have to start from scratch again, that's quite an undertaking for them.

If ultimately I can't live with that questionable radome that AC placed on it, etc... I figured I could try and fix it and it will still be cheaper, and as good as anything I can get my hands on the second market.

Rationalization over.
AHHHHH I'm a bad person. I got the Pan Am even though it is inaccurate. Where are my principles! It does look better than the AA at leats but I guess I'm not learning.
Lol! Just enjoy it now that you've ordered it ;) It's already sold out on Jet Collector too!
The 747s do look better than previous months and they had a lot of help with the BOAC from Adrian.
Now that I see a pic of the BOAC I'm curious about Adrian's feedback as he sure knows his stuff. Leaving the usual grey pylons aside, grey engine nacelles and a reg on the wing overside?
Now that I see a pic of the BOAC I'm curious about Adrian's feedback as he sure knows his stuff. Leaving the usual grey pylons aside, grey engine nacelles and a reg on the wing overside?
That can get in my basket! Shame because I’ve just bought 5 models from Jet Collector to ship to the UK…would’ve added this to the order for sure!
I still fail to understand where the big problem with the front section (cheatline/radome) on the PA is. There are so many issues on these AC 747s - incl. the nose section windows - but a radome really is a "quick change" item. Yes, there were delivery colors and there were the updated colors. While I don't know why AC would decide on such a weird hybrid, I mean, why not? A clean "as delivered" or 1976 would have been the better option sure.

Again, regarding radomes, airlines (incl. Pan Am) realized that it is no good idea to have a too complex artwork on it as it causes a mess when changing it. Hence the 1976 (was it that year?) colors introduced the nose update with a "clean radome".

In all the research or artworking for my projects I realized one thing: some airframes back then sported a dozen livery variations within a few months. Some only for one flight. So you never know.
Here's a Pan Am 747 with the updated tail logo, updated titles but still with the nose paint "as delivered" and a replacement radome (updated colors as well). Yes, it's white, not grey. But that's why I said I wouldn't bet on it - even though it is highly unlikely it ever was that way.
The only real issue for me on the noses of both PA and BOAC are the two or even three windows printed to where the radome should be.
Pan Am Boeing 747-100 by Ron Monroe, auf Flickr
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Alex, I still doubt that the particular variant of the AC Pan Am cheatline ever existed because it's an odd combination of two schemes. The picture you posted shows the delivery scheme with the bolder titles but without the curved front section of the AC model. The photo above is an interesting combination but it differs from the Aeroclassics model.

AFAIK Pan Am's 747 standard cheatline liveries were:

1) Delivery: thin blue cheatline up to the black tip on the radome, straight front section (
2) Bold titles: thin blue cheatline up to angled cut-off , curved front section (
3) Wide cheat line: like its predecessor but with a wider cheat line

The latest model appears to be a mixture of 1 and 2, but even with the later radome paint, only the first scheme would have a straight cut-off:
You are correct of course.
I'm not defending these (horrible!) AC 747s, but I've seen the wildest hybrid liveries that - looking at the timelines - I would have thought "no way!?"
Of course, having the white curve updated but not the cheatline really doesn't make much sense at all. Still, never say never.

All my (little) hopes are on NG to finally get a decent 747Classic out.
Just in terms of printwork Aeroclassics is seriously inferior let alone the mould detailing and lack of aerials. The AC undercarriage is poor still - the wheels have no hubs. How has it been retooled?

It is a decent mould but there's no way it is better than the NGs unless you're on about the windowline.

View attachment 27379
The 747s do look better than previous months and they had a lot of help with the BOAC from Adrian.

The Yu A300 will be the last Aeroclassics mould usage by them. The owner has been fuming about the awful quality of the models they've made for him and how many he's had to send back. Keep an eye out for Yu's own product coming soon.
I said the wheels, not the entire mold was retooled. There are plenty of models and manufacturers that have issues, with whatever they may be. We, or the public will always have a criticism of anything. Do I think AC could be better, yes, but in theory all could do better, as there are no perfect molds. New molds and tooling cost money, money that would get passed to the retailer and ultimately the consume. And prices aren't getting cheaper, look for a bump after the Lunar New Year break. I’m also not saying to settle, buy whatever brand you think has a better mold. If AC’s baby bus model doesn’t fit to your standards and Jc Wings does, then buy JC. But ones person opinion, as that’s what ultimately they are, someone else may have another opinion.
I said the wheels, not the entire mold was retooled. There are plenty of models and manufacturers that have issues, with whatever they may be. We, or the public will always have a criticism of anything. Do I think AC could be better, yes, but in theory all could do better, as there are no perfect molds. New molds and tooling cost money, money that would get passed to the retailer and ultimately the consume. And prices aren't getting cheaper, look for a bump after the Lunar New Year break. I’m also not saying to settle, buy whatever brand you think has a better mold. If AC’s baby bus model doesn’t fit to your standards and Jc Wings does, then buy JC. But ones person opinion, as that’s what ultimately they are, someone else may have another opinion.
Can you show the retooling of the wheels? I haven't seen any evidence of it in photos. Not saying it isn't there but I can't see it myself. Would appreciate some photos.

I understand the position AK and Aeroclassics are in. It is sadly a dying brand, but a lot of the issues with the models in recent years are entirely due to mismanagement. If they sorted out those issues the brand would be in a much better position.

It's fine for everyone to have opinions but they aren't all equal and statements should ideally be backed up with evidence. I don't mind settling and am not a collector who only buys perfect models by any shot but the suggestion that the Aeroclassics A320 is better than the NG one is the sort of statement that is so far out there as to need some backing up. From a mould perspective it isn't that distant but it still isn't as good:

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Alex, I still doubt that the particular variant of the AC Pan Am cheatline ever existed because it's an odd combination of two schemes. The picture you posted shows the delivery scheme with the bolder titles but without the curved front section of the AC model. The photo above is an interesting combination but it differs from the Aeroclassics model.

AFAIK Pan Am's 747 standard cheatline liveries were:

1) Delivery: thin blue cheatline up to the black tip on the radome, straight front section (
2) Bold titles: thin blue cheatline up to angled cut-off , curved front section (
3) Wide cheat line: like its predecessor but with a wider cheat line

The latest model appears to be a mixture of 1 and 2, but even with the later radome paint, only the first scheme would have a straight cut-off:
Here's a non-standard oddment. Thin angled cut-off cheat line but with a radome which has the thin cheat line & black tip: