Thoughts on Ng Models rewards ?

Seems a little complicated to process everything via retailers and not directly via NG. Also, people can open boxes when visiting a shop, take the code card and put it back, or did I miss something?
Seems over-complicated. NG needs to focus on clearing their backlog of new moulds before they start with all this extra loyalty stuff. They don't need a loyalty program to keep people buying from them, because people are not going to stop. If anyone, it's Pheonix that needs a loyalty program. Regarding how the actual CRP works, I don't think it is efficient in the slightest. They don't need three different 'centers' it's ridiculous. Just have a simple: chose a model that costs X amount of points, exchange X amount of points, and NG ships it to either you or your retailer for you to pick up. Or their other promised benefit (Production plan insight and requests/suggestions): exchange X amount of points to open a section on NG's website that allows you to see open spots on their production plan (All others are blanked out). Submit a model via a dedicated form to make sure NG has all the information they need and then wait until that model is released!
Or vice versa, I know a large retailer who didn’t give me two of my cards when the program first started as well as a few other customers.
I had this too recently. Bought an American 747SP from a retailer (online only) and got no card. I guess they will use all our points to get the exclusive rewards and sell them for double the price.
I recently bought an AAL 757 and that one came with a card. And that was from a August 2020 release. But a month ago I bought an US air 757 from the same retailer and that had no card. My guess is NG somehow hides them very good in those boxes or factories just not doing a good job of putting them in there.
I've registered all of mine (no idea why, it seems like a waste of time and effort for now). Hopefully it will lead to something down the road.
I had this too recently. Bought an American 747SP from a retailer (online only) and got no card. I guess they will use all our points to get the exclusive rewards and sell them for double the price.
I believe cards weren't introduced until early this year and that the American 747SP was a February 2021 release.