My Complete 1/400th scale collection.

US Airways 737-401 N441US in last scheme, released February 2009:
US Airways B737-400 2005 N441US L.jpg
US Airways 757-2B7 N633AU in dark blue scheme, released March 2000:
US Airways B757-2B7 1997 N633AU L.jpg
US Airways 757-2B7WL N201UU in last scheme, released January 2008:
US Airways B757-2B7WL 2005 N201UU L.jpg
US Airways A319-112 N709UW Philadelphia Eagles scheme, released November 2006:
US Airways A319-112 2005 N709UW L.jpg
US Airways A319-112 N742PS PSA heritage scheme, released September 2006:
US Airways A319-112 2005 N742PS L.jpg
US Airways A319-112 N744P Piedmont heritage scheme, released February 2007:
US Airways A319-112 2005 N744P L.jpg
US Airways A319-112 N745VJ Allegheny heritage scheme, released November 2006:
US Airways A319-112 2005 N745VJ L.jpg
US Airways A319-132 N801AW in last scheme, released October 2014:
US Airways A319-132 2005 N801AW L.jpg
US Airways A319-132 N822AW Nevada scheme, released February 2008:
US Airways A319-132 2005 N822AW L.jpg
US Airways A319-132 N826AW Arizona scheme, released November 2007:
US Airways A319-132 2005 N826AW L.jpg
US Airways A319-132 N828AW America West Heritage first scheme, released July 2007:
US Airways A319-132 2005 N828AW L.jpg
US Airways A319-132 N837AW Arizona Cardinals scheme, released December 2008:
US Airways A319-132 2005 N837AW L.jpg
US Airways A319-132 N838AW America West heritage last scheme, released November 2009:
US Airways A319-132 2005 N838AW L.jpg
US Airways A320-214 N109UW in last scheme, released July 2005:
US Airways A320-214 2005 N109UW L.jpg
US Airways A320-232 N680AW in last scheme, released October 2008:
US Airways A320-232 2005 N680AW L.jpg
US Airways A321-211 N161UW in last scheme, released March 2009:
US Airways A321-211 2005 N161UW L.jpg
USAir 727-264A N773AL in 3 shades of red scheme, released June 2007:
USAir B727-200 N773AL L.jpg
USAir 737-3B7 N523AU in 3 shades of red scheme, released June 2022:
USAir B737-300 1980 N523AU L.jpg
USAir 737-4B7 N785AU in last scheme, released November 2004:
USAir B737-400 1989 N785AU L.jpg
USAir 767-201ER N645US in last scheme, released June 2005:
USAir B767-201ER N645US L.jpg
My last 4 Gemini Jets:
USAir BAC 1-11-204AF N1127J in white top 3 shades of red scheme, released June 2008:
USAir BAC 111-204AF N1127J L.jpg
USAir F.28-0100 N866US in last scheme, released December 2010:
USAir F.28-0100 N866US L.jpg
Western 727-247A N2812W in flying W white top scheme, released February 2006:
Western B727-247A N2812W L.jpg
Western DC-10-10 N908WA in flying W bare metal scheme, released July 2005:
Western DC-10-10 N908WA L.jpg
That's my entire collection. If you notice any errors on release date, etc, please let me know.
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Continuing with Northwest.
Northwest 747-451 N671US in bowling shoe scheme, released August 2011:
View attachment 11109
Northwest 757-251 N534US in thermometer scheme, released August 2021:
View attachment 11110Northwest 757-251 N548US in bowling shoe scheme, released January 2001:
View attachment 11111Northwest 757-251WL N538US in last scheme, released January 2008:
View attachment 11114 Northwest 757-351 N583NW in bowling shoe scheme, released April 2003:
View attachment 11119
Northwest 757-351 N594NW in last scheme, released October 2004:
View attachment 11120
Northwest A320-211 N322US in last scheme, released January 2009:
View attachment 11121
Northwest A330-323X N812NW in last scheme, released May 2008:
View attachment 11122
Northwest DC-10-30 N233NW in bowling shoe scheme, released August 2008:
View attachment 11123
Ozark 727-2D4A N720ZK, in last scheme, released September 2001:
View attachment 11124
I’ve been looking for that bowling shoe 744 forever
I just noticed I forgot to add the latest additions to my collection.
Aeroclassics Delta 737-232A N321DL in Colors in Motion scheme released January 2023:
Delta 737-232A 2000 N321DL L.jpg
NG Models Southwest 737-8H4WL N8619F Illinois One released December, 2022:
Southwest 737-8H4WL N8619F L.jpg
NG Models Southwest 737-MAX 8 N871HK "Herb Kelleher" retro gold released January 2023
Southwest 737-8MAX N871HK L.jpg
NG Models TWA L-1011-100 N31029 in the last scheme released November 2022:
Trans World L-1011-50 1995 N31029 L.jpg
Coming soon: Aeroclassics Piedmont 727-51 N838N
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It's a beautiful model, but that gap on the wing joint seam... ohhh that's awful stuff by Aeroclassics. I have a Cruzeiro 727 with that same gap.
Yep, it seems like they are all being released like that now. Since the model was high on my wish list and I spotted and photographed it, I went ahead and ordered it.