MADb Model Database Updates

fact that he has just given two fingers to all the collectors who used it to store their collections illustrates the central issue here for me.

He is just fuming out of frustration. Fragile egos abound in this hobby.

I hope he can calm down and come back to his senses. DiMA is still the best model database out there, the interface can be fixed easily if he wants to.
He is just fuming out of frustration. Fragile egos abound in this hobby.

I hope he can calm down and come back to his senses. DiMA is still the best model database out there, the interface can be fixed easily if he wants to.
Nah it can't. The cost would be high and the underlying database is a mess in terms of data structure. Waffle has never cared about the db for public access. Once DIMA failed to takeover from DAC as the forum he lost interest. He only cares because it powers his store and he doesn't need the front-end for that.
Jay, once Richard is done updating model images I'll have a look at which models in my collection are still missing images and contribute.
The first two results are not RUTACA, but TACA... just something I came across.
As Rich pointed out - there are still many errors that need to be fleshed out. Some of these are due to inaccurate data at the sources. Some is just due to processing errors. I sincerely appreciate everyone that is helping out to get these corrected and fill in all the gaps.

Jay, once Richard is done updating model images I'll have a look at which models in my collection are still missing images and contribute.
Yeah there's a bit of this sort of thing. That's not 400 scale though :)

You can suggest changes to records yourself if you enter into them

I did see that correct button, but a huge disclaimer popped up when I first opened it that made it appear it was a function still in progress. I tried it again and figured it out.

Thanks for pointing out its not 400 scale, I would not have noticed otherwise.
Well, now I'm wondering when/if all of our collections will be deleted too...mine's still far.
I wonder how much business Waffle is gonna lose because of this. I kinda think we all should launch a boycott on principle but I don't know how practical/attainable that would be.

Are you going to be contributing any photos to the new DB?
I wonder how much business Waffle is gonna lose because of this. I kinda think we all should launch a boycott on principle but I don't know how practical/attainable that would be.

Are you going to be contributing any photos to the new DB?
I already have submitted several photos, just waiting for them to be approved.
I wonder how much business Waffle is gonna lose because of this. I kinda think we all should launch a boycott on principle but I don't know how practical/attainable that would be.

Are you going to be contributing any photos to the new DB?
Yes of course. I have loads of photos of older models that could be helpful for any second hand buyer. Hope it can be of use. At same time check to find detail errors inside the data base to be corrected. I think we all should give a hand to make it perfect.
Sorry guys I just checked the pending queue and have accepted a lot of the ones that I didn't need to think too much about!

Incidentally when making updates don't bother about adding the livery logos. There is a way in the backend to do that which is a lot lot faster than going through pending requests
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Hi All. I've spent a good chunk of the past 4 days working on the first of the really big 5 brands in the scale:


I have cleaned 1,994 records (including 73 that weren't in DIMA) and added photos. One of the interesting things it has brought up is the early Flightline400 sub-brand. Photo coverage is excellent for the early years 2009-2012 and from 2021 onwards but a lot patchier in between.

So now is the time to find your photos of JC Wings releases if they don't already have images or you have better ones!
What angles do you prefer we take photos of the model with to get approved and uploaded to the website?
And do the photos of certain models that do not have photos have to be our own photos or can we find some from online?
What angles do you prefer we take photos of the model with to get approved and uploaded to the website?
And do the photos of certain models that do not have photos have to be our own photos or can we find some from online?
Photos should be from your own collection really.

Check a listing like this. These are the sort of photos we would like. They need to be of reasonable quality too ideally with a neutral background:
