MADb Model Database Updates


Well-known member
Hi All. I am happy to announce that Yesterday's Airlines has partnered with @jaymaddog for the 400 scale section of the Model Aircraft Database (MADb).

Why you ask? I'm keen for there to be a long-term, complete, modern and user friendly database for the scale that everyone can be involved with. As some of you know I have had access to the backend of DiMA for years and I have been helping keep it full of a lot of the more obscure releases and models Waffle doesn't sell, like Aeroclassics. It has been a great site for understanding the models, but ultimately as useful as it is DiMA is aimed primarily at running Waffle's store, is built on old tech that can't be easily updated, doesn't work well on mobile, doesn't have a proper master data management system, has some foibles in terms of model recording (no A320neo, brands being merged etc), isn't likely to ever be updated structurally and Waffle himself has called into question whether it will remain available as a web accessible resource. Obviously, rightly or wrongly a lot of people also have issues with Waffle so that has hindered it being a central platform for engagement or collaboration. More selfishly, I wasn't getting anything out of the arrangement, aside from the db front-end. Merely mentioning the possibility of me working with Jay was enough for Waffle to take away my DiMA access, but we parted on reasonably amicable terms!

Hopefully, this new partnership will resolve a lot of the above issues and so far I am impressed with the quality and modernity of the platform, and the ease in which it can be updated. Jay and I have been messaging since January and I originally had no intention of getting this involved, but ultimately if the db doesn't have accurate data then it isn't very useful, so for 400 scale, at least, I have started working my way through the database model by model. With over 18,000 models in 400 scale that is a massive job.

My approach so far is to go brand by brand checking the records are accurate and adding photos. I have kept records of a lot of model releases for years now, so have a lot of data, plus I have over 3,000 models in my collection which I can provide photos for. I also have a lot of other model release shots stored away. Additionally, I have gained access to a massive database of model images from JC Wings, which not only contains a lot of their releases but loads of other brands too. Interestingly that db has been throwing up models that aren't in DiMA from brands like BlueBox and BigBird.

In the past couple of weeks I've managed to knock off nearly 1,900 model entries, probably over half of which have photos. Here are the cleaned records as of today:

These cover the following brands:

  • 737Club
  • Altitude Models
  • Aurora Models
  • Aviation400 OLD
  • Aviation400 NEW
  • BigBird
  • BigBird Mk2
  • BigBird Mk3
  • Binary Star
  • Black Box
  • Blue Box
  • C Models
  • Dream Air
  • El Aviador 400
  • HYJLwings
  • Inflight400
  • Miniature Models
  • Panda Models
  • Retro Models
  • Seattle Model Co
  • Sovereign Models
  • Undefined Collectibles
  • Yu ModeL

This thread is intended as very much a soft launch. Until the db is cleaned for the majority of records I'm not going to announce it elsewhere, but I wanted somewhere to keep people engaged and informed. Progress is limited by my time but I hope to be able to gradually get it up to spec.
By the way if you see models in the cleaned dataset that you have photos for then I believe you can add them through the front-end of the site. You can see the type of shots we're aiming for. They need to be of reasonable quality, taken against a neutral background ideally, and showing the model (and box optionally) from different angles.
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Works great on mobile. Hopefully you guys add more 3rd party photos soon. DIMA is really helpful when trying to compare moulds of the same aircraft to see which has the least flaws to purchase. Stock manufacturer photos are always too polished to show those imperfections.
This is great news. Looking forward!! Have been looking forward to a reliable and modern database. And it's just fantastic to hear that there are two committed minds collaborating on putting this together. Yesterday's has been my go-to resource over the past many years, and MADb has been looking super promising ever since it was announced. Have been curious why recently the site was inaccessible - and now we know!!! Super relieved and thrilled.
Hi All. I am happy to announce that Yesterday's Airlines has partnered with @jaymaddog for the 400 scale section of the Model Aircraft Database (MADb).

Why you ask? I'm keen for there to be a long-term, complete, modern and user friendly database for the scale that everyone can be involved with. As some of you know I have had access to the backend of DiMA for years and I have been helping keep it full of a lot of the more obscure releases and models Waffle doesn't sell, like Aeroclassics. It has been a great site for understanding the models, but ultimately as useful as it is DiMA is aimed primarily at running Waffle's store, is built on old tech that can't be easily updated, doesn't work well on mobile, doesn't have a proper master data management system, has some foibles in terms of model recording (no A320neo, brands being merged etc), isn't likely to ever be updated structurally and Waffle himself has called into question whether it will remain available as a web accessible resource. Obviously, rightly or wrongly a lot of people also have issues with Waffle so that has hindered it being a central platform for engagement or collaboration. More selfishly, I wasn't getting anything out of the arrangement, aside from the db front-end. Merely mentioning the possibility of me working with Jay was enough for Waffle to take away my DiMA access, but we parted on reasonably amicable terms!

Hopefully, this new partnership will resolve a lot of the above issues and so far I am impressed with the quality and modernity of the platform, and the ease in which it can be updated. Jay and I have been messaging since January and I originally had no intention of getting this involved, but ultimately if the db doesn't have accurate data then it isn't very useful, so for 400 scale, at least, I have started working my way through the database model by model. With over 18,000 models in 400 scale that is a massive job.

My approach so far is to go brand by brand checking the records are accurate and adding photos. I have kept records of a lot of model releases for years now, so have a lot of data, plus I have over 3,000 models in my collection which I can provide photos for. I also have a lot of other model release shots stored away. Additionally, I have gained access to a massive database of model images from JC Wings, which not only contains a lot of their releases but loads of other brands too. Interestingly that db has been throwing up models that aren't in DiMA from brands like BlueBox and BigBird.

In the past couple of weeks I've managed to knock off nearly 1,900 model entries, probably over half of which have photos. Here are the cleaned records as of today:

These cover the following brands:

  • 737Club
  • Altitude Models
  • Aurora Models
  • Aviation400 OLD
  • Aviation400 NEW
  • BigBird
  • BigBird Mk2
  • BigBird Mk3
  • Binary Star
  • Black Box
  • Blue Box
  • C Models
  • Dream Air
  • El Aviador 400
  • HYJLwings
  • Inflight400
  • Miniature Models
  • Panda Models
  • Retro Models
  • Seattle Model Co
  • Sovereign Models
  • Undefined Collectibles
  • Yu ModeL

This thread is intended as very much a soft launch. Until the db is cleaned for the majority of records I'm not going to announce it elsewhere, but I wanted somewhere to keep people engaged and informed. Progress is limited by my time but I hope to be able to gradually get it up to spec.

By Dream Air, do you mean Dream Jets?


That's a monumental undertaking Richard. Good luck. I'm still a DiMA child, will eventually transition to the new Database I suppose. Probably DiMA's mobile uselessness is what's going to push me over the edge. Though to be fair, we all should be using laptops or desktops for this kind of stuff (and cameras), smartphones are a disgrace 😆
By Dream Air, do you mean Dream Jets?
No Dream Air is a Taiwanese storebrand that has had models commissioned in 400 and 200 scale. In 400 scale they have used HYJL, JC, NG and Panda. In 400 scale they have made 28 releases to date:


That's a monumental undertaking Richard. Good luck. I'm still a DiMA child, will eventually transition to the new Database I suppose. Probably DiMA's mobile uselessness is what's going to push me over the edge. Though to be fair, we all should be using laptops or desktops for this kind of stuff (and cameras), smartphones are a disgrace 😆

Yeah I use a desktop myself but I'm sat in front of the computer most days. I was overawed with it but now I'm into a rhythm things are moving a lot faster.
No Dream Air is a Taiwanese storebrand that has had models commissioned in 400 and 200 scale. In 400 scale they have used HYJL, JC, NG and Panda. In 400 scale they have made 28 releases to date:

Yeah I use a desktop myself but I'm sat in front of the computer most days. I was overawed with it but now I'm into a rhythm things are moving a lot faster.
Ok, I didn't know about Dream Air. What about the Dream Jet releases then? Are they coming later, or are they going to be bundled up with Gemini?

I work better on a computer and with stand-alone cameras (as in not the kind that comes attached to a mobile telephone). But I do take advantage of smartphones, in spite of their annoying downsides.
Ok, I didn't know about Dream Air. What about the Dream Jet releases then? Are they coming later, or are they going to be bundled up with Gemini?

I work better on a computer and with stand-alone cameras (as in not the kind that comes attached to a mobile telephone). But I do take advantage of smartphones, in spite of their annoying downsides.
Yeah Dream Jets will be along in time :)
I went ahead and put my collection on MADb. So far, it's MUCH easier to use. I do have one question though, will there be any way to add custom models to the collections eventually?
I've been making decent progress over the past 2 days and the following brands are now cleaned:
  • Apollo
  • Witty Wings
That's 251 records. For both of these we have about 1/3 photographs complete thanks to the JC photo database and my collection. Check out the records here: Apollo & Witty Wings Cleaned Records

Another brand completed this morning is NetModels. They were easily one of the worst brands in 400 scale history and I don't have a single model of theirs in my collection however the JC photo database has come up top trumps here and there is over 60% photo coverage of the 135 records.

NetModels are most famous for their penchant for silver and golden versions of their releases. MADb now has 27 more records than DiMA does including a selection of rather odd A380s - the highlight of which is surely a Gulf Air fantasy version.

See the NetModels records here: NetModels Cleaned Records
I've been making decent progress over the past 2 days and the following brands are now cleaned:
  • Apollo
  • Witty Wings
That's 251 records. For both of these we have about 1/3 photographs complete thanks to the JC photo database and my collection. Check out the records here: Apollo & Witty Wings Cleaned Records

Another brand completed this morning is NetModels. They were easily one of the worst brands in 400 scale history and I don't have a single model of theirs in my collection however the JC photo database has come up top trumps here and there is over 60% photo coverage of the 135 records.

NetModels are most famous for their penchant for silver and golden versions of their releases. MADb now has 27 more records than DiMA does including a selection of rather odd A380s - the highlight of which is surely a Gulf Air fantasy version.

See the NetModels records here: NetModels Cleaned Records
The worst thing about NetModels to me was the shape of their DC-9 tail. Too tall and narrow!
So I'm super happy to be able to navigate the database easily, to finally create a record of my collection - after a series of aborted attempts at my own end lol - with messy spreadsheets and what not.
Love the ease of access on the phone - it's really helping right now as I use the time between activities and during travel / commute to make periodic intermittent visits - to develop a first-cut record from memory (for now).
Hopefully soon, I'll be able to find time to actually, physically, audit my collection, going model by model.
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I noticed that whenever I upload more than one picture and it gets approved, the second one is used as thumbnail. Is this intentional?
I'm finding a lot of the MAXs are labeled wrong as -100, -700,-800.-900.

Are 777-200LR/-300ER different enough to add an additional type.
Unsolicited feedback 😅 but when you pull up the list of aircraft after selecting say scale and manufacturer, the list lags while scrolling through it. Likely due to the volume of items because once you go to the airline list it doesn’t lag.

Edit: On mobile, iOS specifically