Generation EasyJet

Jolly Roger

Well-known member
I started making custom models as a hobby over 10 years ago after my youngest son became a pilot with easyJet. I had a mission to replicate as many easyJet liveries as I could. This was before mainstream manufacturers ( except GJs) decided to flout licencing issues
To date I have made 177 custom models ( including the necessary decals). 33 have been easyJet In both 1/400 and 1/200 scale. The below image is just some.E0AA87A6-0EE0-44D3-B283-758B8A188195.jpeg
One of the most challenging easyJet liveries to replicate was Europcar which appeared on both an A319 and A320. The decal pattern took many hours to complete. This livery is yet to be released by a mainstream manufacturer.931AD8B3-8D5D-4DF9-A89D-2E8D310DE760.jpegFAF112AF-9220-450E-B926-5DEFD28290C6.jpeg