Bake's 1:400 Collection

Great info, thanks! Guess i’m in love with the Phoenix mould then. Would you happen to know what mould the Gemini AA 787-8 is? N808AN from august of ‘23. I enjoy that one as well but i haven’t looked at both models side by side as I assumed they are the same.
That's the JC Wings mould. JC Wings makes models for Gemini
Todays round of pictures, a bunch of new arrivals and some old gems of mine :)

First up is my new US Airways 737-300, N166AW. Produced by GeminiJets in 2009, this model has a little wear but is perfectly acceptable in my eyes. The real plane was delivered to America West all the way back in 1986. After the merger in the early 2000s, the frame lived out its career with US Airways before being retired by them and picked up by Peruvian Airlines in 2011. Now adorning the registration OB-1960P, it was finally put to rest and scrapped in 2014.


Next up is N822AW, an A319 showing colors of Nevada's state flag. Delivered to America West in 2001, this A319 still flies for American Airlines today (leased by US Bank apparently). Nicknamed "Battle Born", these colors lived on this frame from 2005-2015. It was chosen to represent the Las Vegas hub (rip lol) acquired by US Airways after the merger. It currently flies the standard AA colors.



Getting his final bags loaded up, is an late 2010 release by GeminiJets. N837AW had the Arizona Cardinals NFL team colors since the America West merger in 2005 all the way up to the American Airlines merger in 2015, where it is still active in the normal AA scheme. This, alongside the Arizona State livery was introduced to represent the Phoenix hub acquired by US Airways after the merger. It was delivered to America West in 2001.



@LeoMuse747 Darth Vader! My new "perfect child" aircraft in my collection. The March of 2000 GeminiJets US Airways Navy scheme 757-200, registered N633AU. I paid a measly (in my opinion) 47.50USD on ebay (including shipping from Asia!) for this basically 98% brand new model. Its gorgeous and the ebay pictures did not do it as much justice as it does to the naked eye in good sunlight. While an old and outdated mould, i've never been more excited to have a plane in my collection as of late.


N633AU began its life with US Air in 1995. In 2005 after the AW merger, this plane was retrofitted with winglets and given the new registration, N202UW (borderline the sister plane to the "white" 757-200 featured earlier!). When American Airlines retired their fleet of 757s, it was also acquired by New Pacific Airlines. It is unfortunately stored as of 2023 at this current moment.


N375US is a 737-300 produced by GeminiJets back in 2004. It was delivered to US Air in 1984 where it lived its whole career until retirement/scrapped in 2006.



One more for good measure 😄


Photos are still on my ~basically finished~ PHX layout. Expect a full separate post about it soon! Enjoy
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Also just an update on my number for the full collection:

36/82 Complete (44%)

29/65 Complete (45%)

7/17 Complete (41%)

I won’t be updating these numbers on here every second I order a new model but if there are big enough changes or maybe once every 6 months or so I will post updated numbers/percentages. Numbers are usually 99% accurate on my MADb profile as I update that and my personal list on my phone with every purchase as I make them. As well, I have dug a bit more on MADb and found a few more i’d generally like to collect, such as the AA E190 and a few other random Airbus’ and such so the percentages stay roughly the same regardless unfortunately lol. Also account for a bit of human error in the percentages as I copy and paste certain details between things every so often. roughly every 6 months to year i’ll do proper deep dives on everything just to make sure i'm still on track with my numbers.

Since the start of 2025, I’ve been able to acquire 11 aircraft towards my collection. About half way there now! Since i’ve gotten back into this hobby last summer, i’ve acquired about 5-10 more on top of that, mostly being American Airlines versions of planes like the heritage A321s, the AE Dash 8s and some regional airplanes from republic/skywest/others that i’m not really counting here with my numbers. I am incredibly proud of my progress towards this goal, even if it puts a hefty hole in my wallet. I can’t wait to have a spot to have every model organized on a shelf to do a big group photo with the US fleet someday.
New round of planes, plus some new accessories! Thanks to AVGeek Models for the cones and ground workers. They are SO tiny, but they look great for just how small they really are. I plan on painting the bases of the ground workers in the same grey color i've been using for my concrete so the black base don't clash like they do now. Easier to edit out of photos down the road as well.

Not a full US Airways lineup today, but a new board i've been working on recently. This one is a fictional board mostly just to show off my "not US Airways but sometimes US Airways" narrow body 1:400 models. More info to come later when more complete.

First up is a Spirit A320Neo registered N971NK. This model was released by GeminiJets in October of 2023. N971NK was delivered to Spirit in April of 2023. This is probably one of the newest aircraft in my collection now that I think of it.


Love having workers by the belt loaders now.


Next up is more of a throwback. N920AN is an American Airlines 737-800, made by C-Models in June of 2024. N920AN was delivered to American in 1999, only serving a brief storage from March 2020-March 2024. Back in service now, she is in the updated AA colors. I love this model, surpassed all my expectations as it was a last second purchase during black friday this past year. The mould is really well done, at least compared to all the Gemini 737 moulds I have in my collection.



Some wing walkers helping during pushed back. Makes a huge difference in the quality of photos. Way more life. Also helps more easily visualize scale for the brain.


Yes, I do have another US Airways model for you today...This time, a CRJ-200. This model was released by GeminiJets in 2006. Registered N411ZW, this aircraft belongs to Air Wisconsin where its served its whole life since 2001. It lived in storage very briefly from December 2023 to October 2024. It is still active today but American Airlines just terminated their contract with Air Wisconsin. It will probably serve its future as a charter and other odd jobs aircraft, depending what happens to the airline.


Shown here just pulled into the gate. Two workers are placing cones and chalks while another one gets onto the belt loader to start unloading bags; Jetway still being maneuvered to the L1 door.


Lastly is this Southwest 737-700. It was released by GeminiJets in 2014. N478WN was delivered to Southwest in 2004 where it is still active today. While the mould is long outdated, I remember when this first came out the community had praised Gemini for this release. I believe it had been a few years since the last time we had gotten a southwest model. I got so excited at the time I bought two. A clearly well loved model as its not in its most pristine condition anymore.


Being fueled up while another worked takes in the canyon blue livery.


Let me know what you think of the GSE and how I can place the cones and ground crew to be more realistic! Enjoy.
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Something a bit different today. Two Delta liveries promoting the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. Ive had the 757 in my collection for a few years now, but when I saw WCD had the 777-200, I had to buy it. The only other plane existing in diecast scale that I am aware of is the 1:200 NG CRJ-200 which I hope to get someday in the future.

Trying something different with the lighting today, just using natural window light and one color changing lamp to just to get color temperature a bit better. Still figuring out what works best for me in my current situation till I can get a proper "set" going.

First up is the 777-200. It was released by GeminiJets in 2001. Of course an outdated mould, but still a beautiful plane to have in my collection. Thank you to WCD for having it available for purchase for a great price. For being over 20 years old it has held up well.


N864DA was delivered to Delta in 1999. It adorned these colors from delivery up until 2003, where it then retained the standard Delta colors of the time. Delta stored all 18 of their 777 fleet in 2020, including this one. The Arizona Cardinals NFL team has since purchased the plane in 2022, but I don't see anything online about it flying right now. Probably around for parts or a backup for the team?



The 757 was also released by GeminiJets but earlier in 2000. By now a borderline awful mould, its the only time these colors have been done. It would be amazing to get an NG version of this someday soon.


N6701 was also delivered to Delta in 1999 wearing these colors. It also wore them up until 2003, where it was used under "Song" airlines and repainted in those colors. by 2008, It was into the regular Delta colors and is still active with the fleet today.



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Nice liveries! I like the last pic, it's cool to compare the size of the 757 and 777!

believe it or not, this is actually my first ever 777! and the biggest plane i’ve collected so far (maybe?)…lol. my last biggest would have been A330-300s which are close enough but this 777 fuselage is indeed massive looking in scale.
Just a quick one today, a newer arrival.

NG American Airlines A330-300 N277AY, a 2022 release. Lovely model, thanks for convincing me to get this model @Steinar 😄

N277AY started his life in 2001 with US Airways as N677UW. In 2006, the reg was updated to N277AY. After the merger with American, this frame served until the covid pandemic, when it was then retired early from the AA fleet in Rosswell, NM. Unfortunately this frame was finally scrapped just this past year. All the A330s were retired after the US/AA merger for fleet simplification reasons, also occurring much more rapidly due to the pandemic. AA still owns these frames fully, but has no plans to bring them back into service. An opportunity they could have taken many times in the recent past, especially now with the supposed "widebody shortage" they currently have. A few of the remaining legacy US Airways A330s are slowly being brought out of storage to be used in other various ways with other owners. In my opinion and many others, gone way sooner than they should have been. Hopefully i'll be able to discuss some of those lucky few surviving today here soon.


Three more US Airways jets today.

First up is my newest arrival N912FJ. This CRJ-900 belongs to Mesa Airlines. Delivered in 2004, it has now been stored since 2022. This model unfortunately has some damage near the nose. But honestly, if you use your imagination enough it appears just used and weathered. A lovely model to have in my collection finally. This model was released by GeminiJets in April of 2007.



N744P was delivered to US Airways in 2000 as N744US. In 2006, it changed over to N744P (a bit odd for a US airline registration??) and has been the same until now. It is still active with American Airlines today. An old model from my collection but it has held up well throughout the years. This model was released by GeminiJets in February of 2007.



Evntering service in 2004, N803MD belonged to Midatlantic Airways. In 2006 the aircraft changed to be under Republic Airways. Stored in 2016 and scooped up by S7 as VQ-BYB, it still flies with the Russian airline today as RA-02861.



Still figuring out some lighting. Some of these aren't the best but the lighting and slight grain to the photos I do enjoy to an extent. I am in the process of moving and I am tight on space for a few more weeks but I still enjoy taking photos so enjoy😄 I am very excited to setup a "Photo Booth" of sorts to take consistent and perfect pictures but will take time to set up.

Heres a small update on the collection progress:

40/82 Complete (49%)
32/65 Complete (49%)
8/16 Complete (50%)

Very proud to basically hit the 50% mark already. I am on a great pace and should honestly slow down just a touch (so I tell myself).
Love the level of detail showcased in your displays! Those tiny workers really make the 1:400 models pop in terms of realism... I almost took some of the planes to be 1:200 scale.
GeminiJets US Airways 767-200s. The navy livery released in 2005 while the white livery released in 2006. Both old and worn models, both of my versions unfortunately have some imperfections on them. My white version has a small chip on the tail (a newer find unfortunately) and the nose gear broke upon first buy in the early 2010s but has been fixed with super glue. Printing has also diminished quite a lot over the years. The navy version I purchased with a slight imperfection around the right side tail. the tail is still a bit loose and requires some glue and also has some scratched paint in the area. Otherwise it is a perfect model. Both models suffer from the poor gemini mould of the time where the nose gear doest touch the floor most times. Since re-glueing the white version, it sits a lot better now thankfully but the navy suffers from it quite severely. One day after my collection is complete I hope to buy some in a more near "brand new" condition, although who knows how hard that will be down the line.

N656US was delivered to USAir in 1993. It served its whole life with USAir and then US Airways until retirement in 2015. In 2006 it changed registration to N256AY.




N655US was delivered to USAir in 1991. From 1993-1996, BA operated the frame under the same registration. BA had a 25% stake in USAir at the time and from October 1993 and 1996, BA leased N652US, N654US, and N655US in full BA colors and operated CLT-LGW (BA198/BA199), BWI-LGW (BA194/BA195) and PIT-LGW (BA196/BA197) in what was effectively a franchise agreement with BA. Back in the standard USAir colors in1996, this plane served the rest of its life with US Airways until retirement in 2014. N655US changed registration in 2006 to N255AY.




Here is N655US in the BA Colors. There has been this same plane made by Aeroclassics before, which I am bidding on new on Ebay. This might make its way into my collection shortly!


Enjoy :)
GeminiJets US Airways 767-200s. The navy livery released in 2005 while the white livery released in 2006. Both old and worn models, both of my versions unfortunately have some imperfections on them. My white version has a small chip on the tail (a newer find unfortunately) and the nose gear broke upon first buy in the early 2010s but has been fixed with super glue. Printing has also diminished quite a lot over the years. The navy version I purchased with a slight imperfection around the right side tail. the tail is still a bit loose and requires some glue and also has some scratched paint in the area. Otherwise it is a perfect model. Both models suffer from the poor gemini mould of the time where the nose gear doest touch the floor most times. Since re-glueing the white version, it sits a lot better now thankfully but the navy suffers from it quite severely. One day after my collection is complete I hope to buy some in a more near "brand new" condition, although who knows how hard that will be down the line.

N656US was delivered to USAir in 1993. It served its whole life with USAir and then US Airways until retirement in 2015. In 2006 it changed registration to N256AY.

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N655US was delivered to USAir in 1991. From 1993-1996, BA operated the frame under the same registration. BA had a 25% stake in USAir at the time and from October 1993 and 1996, BA leased N652US, N654US, and N655US in full BA colors and operated CLT-LGW (BA198/BA199), BWI-LGW (BA194/BA195) and PIT-LGW (BA196/BA197) in what was effectively a franchise agreement with BA. Back in the standard USAir colors in1996, this plane served the rest of its life with US Airways until retirement in 2014. N655US changed registration in 2006 to N255AY.

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Here is N655US in the BA Colors. There has been this same plane made by Aeroclassics before, which I am bidding on new on Ebay. This might make its way into my collection shortly!

View attachment 38561

Enjoy :)
The US Airways 767 in 1:400 was manufactured with an alloy that made it susceptible to zinc rot. I think just about every model I've come across has had cracks here and there. Nonetheless a beautiful model!
The US Airways 767 in 1:400 was manufactured with an alloy that made it susceptible to zinc rot. I think just about every model I've come across has had cracks here and there. Nonetheless a beautiful model!
You can see early signs of it on the right stabilizer. Mine also suffers from this fate.

Hoping NG releases one.
You can see early signs of it on the right stabilizer. Mine also suffers from this fate.

Hoping NG releases one.

I’m begging for it for real. It’s a damn shame a US Airways 767 hasn’t been made since the early 2000s.

I’d also like to share this picture of the box for the white version. A fun and sad blast to the past for the cost of 767s about 10-20 years ago.

The A330s:

Something a little different today. Three A330-300s, spanning both US Airways liveries and the later American Airlines livery. You may ask why these specific planes? The navy A330, N670UW, is by Dragon Wings. It became N270AY in 2006 which is shown today in the AA colors made by GeminiJets. Unfortunately, N270AY has not been made into the white scheme yet, so I decided to throw in the Dragon Wings version. This will offer a couple points to compare and contrast the models by mould comparisons and as well livery comparisons. GSE has been set up the same exact way for all 3 and photos were all taken from the same angles to provide seamless comparisons. I hope you enjoy!


First up is the Dragon Wings A330-300 N670UW. It was released by Dragon Wings in 2000. It features removable landing gear and comes with a simple plastic stand. No aerials but there are a few bumps near the top center of the fuselage to emulate some external boxes and such. Wings, stabilizers, and tail are all plastic while the main fuselage is the usual metal. My version looks damn near brand new and i'm very pleased with how it looks, regardless of the old mould. Only 4 navy color A330s have been made in this scale so they're a bit harder to come by depending on the brand you're looking for. N670UW was delivered to US Airways in 2000.

Navy 1.jpg

Next is the Dragon Wings A330-300 N273AY released in 2007. Seems to be the same mould as the navy plane and features the same removable landing gear and a stand. This model, of course, features the same plastic wings/tail and metal fuselage. My version features some weird bubbling on the fuselage. Im wondering if this is some form of zinc rot? would love some input if anyone knows more info on whats happening to it. I purchased it a couple months ago and it arrived like this. It seems the model has been sitting in the box fairly new all these years so It doesn't seem to be any bad wear from over the years. My navy plane doesn't have this at all thankfully. N273AY was also delivered to US Airways in 2000 as N673UW. Retired by AA in 2020, it has since been scrapped in 2024.



Lastly, is the later version of the navy N670UW, now as N270AY in the AA colors. This model was released by GeminiJets in 2015. Compare to the last two models this mould features aerials and had a full metal mould. This was my first ever A330, so despite the meh mould it has a small place in my heart, especially being an ex-US Airways aircraft.


More comparison pictures to come very soon. Just need to finish my slight cropping and edits :)
Side Shot From Up Top:

Full Side Shot:

Some of the things that stand out to me are how pointy the nose of the Gemini mould is. I honestly never realized how pointy is was until I took and edited these photos. The Dragon mould also sits quite high in general and even my stairs at full adjusted height hardly reach those rear doors. The Gemini engines are also a bit too long on the back end.
Tail and Back End Details:

Nose and Front End Detail:

Top Down Shot:

As much as its a slight bummer the dragon mould has plastic wings, I cannot deny the amount of detail they have. Especially compared to the Gemini product. Clearly having the extra near decade the Gemini version has the better printing. From what I can tell each brand seems to still be working through what color the American Airlines fuselage really is. I remember when Gemini first made the AA A321 with sharklets and the grey was more silver and shiny which just looked awful imo. Thankfully this plane is much better. Any other thoughts that haven't been beat to death on these moulds/ colors from other threads yet?
Wonderful pics and nice comparison of these three liveries on the A330! My favorite is the black livery... why do people call it "navy"? I see no blue in it 🤓 :unsure: by the way, the DW A330 is a good mould in my opinion, too bad the nose section isn't that nice. Your Gemini version have a too pointy nose indeed.

About the paint bubbling, that's another issue, not related to zinc rot as far as I know