Well-known member
These greedy sellers clearly don't know how an auction works. If I ever sell any models, I list them at the price I paid for them, sometimes a little less. That encourages buyers to bid in the hope of getting their model at a sensible price and I only need one bid to recover my costs! A couple of years ago I listed an Aeroclassics United Airlines Caravelle for £19.95 (approx $25 US) and it sold for a crazy $428 .US. That was my reward for listing at a sensible starting price, but if I listed it at $200, I would get no bids. Let that be a lesson to those greedy sellers!
This is an example af what I'm a talking about - a seller selling at probably the prices he paid for them and see how this attracts bids .
Hope he does well for buyers and as a seller!
This is an excellent example of what I also think Adrian. We all have seen those models that go for $400 on eBay, I think some sellers either mistakenly think that they can get rich by selling all their sold-out models at those prices, or some might have been frustrated after being on the other side of the fence many times and want to turn - force - things in their favor.
I have often stated when I talk about my beginnings in the hobby, how bitter of an experience it was to find that most Viasa models I wanted were the subjects of insane bidding wars on eBay (and these were healthy bidding wars, with low starting prices). So when Aeroclassics released YV-134C and YV-137C about ten years ago I remember my evil side took over and I said "aha! not gonna happen to me again!" and I bought three examples of YV-137C with the initial intention of eventually getting some money out of them. But in the end, my good side won and I ended up giving away the two extra models to two very good friends (another collector from Venezuela, and the flight instructor that got through me my PPL course. The latter wasn't a collector, but I think he understood that the model represented how much I appreciated his help in getting my PPL).
I have two copies of YV-135C, and I'd get another one if I could find one at a sensible price. The same collector friend that I gave one of the YV-137Cs used to beg me to sell one of my -135Cs to him. My answer always was: Those models are priceless, if I was willing to part with one of them, I would just hand it to you.
On a different angle: While the conversation has been pretty balanced here, it is a sensitive topic. On Facebook, most of the replies have been a notch up on the passion level. I think if MAF is to really become "Your friendly model airplane forum" is best to stay away from these kinds of discussions.
None of us have the right to tell each other how to spend our money, and collectors that for whatever reason pay inflated prices for a particular model should feel free to participate here and not feel animosity toward them.
I think at the end of the day market dynamics usually work pretty well, and even think that overpaying once or twice for a model can be part of a collector's learning journey in this hobby. That's not to say that there aren't people that operate under the philosophy that they can get whatever they want in life with the right amount of money, but I think those are far and few in between, and threads like this won't make them change their behavior anyway.