For the L-1011 I'll second the Alia Royal Jordanian L-1011-500 in the 1986 scheme
And JY-HKJ, The Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan L-1011 which livery wise would be a few minor differences but mouldwise would require more due to the various antenna and modifications to the mould at the wings and rear. Unlikely to see but would love it.
For the 747SP:
Syrian Arab Airlines YK-AHB "Arab Solitary" with the Polished belly(Gemini Jets made YK-AHA back in 2005 with the gray belly)
Both of these aircraft have an amusingly intertwined history so I do look forward to these being made one day.
I'm pretty sure the TWA 747SP is still available from NG. Shoot your local retailer an email about a restock and they'll probably be able to get it for you.
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