Fedex DC-10 incident at YYC N306FE (Same Aircraft Involved in hijacking incident)

EQ Planes

Active member
At YYC on the 28 of nov 2022 the aircraft seemingly has encounterd some kinda of issues after pushing out for the evening flight to Memphis.
Not sure what happened to the aircraft but has been sitting here since then.
This aircraft was involved in the 90s in an absolutely epic aviation story in wich the crew had a bloody battle with a hijacker, the pilot managed not only to roll the aircraft and fly inverted but also survive a full power dive bringing the plane close to supersonic speeds . They were then able to mange to land the plane despite being incredibly injured overweight and fast on approach. in my opinion the most impressive things to have ever happened in aviation even more so then the landing on the hudson or Gimli glider and surprised more don‘t known about it I highly recommend watching the free documentary on YT. Fedex flight 705.
Did you ever get to work on or spot 306 at IND? That plane is quite fascinating, hopefully they do preserve it after it retires to commemorate the heroic efforts of the pilots.
Unfortunately, I was no longer working the ramp when the DC-10s came on board at IND, so I never had the pleasure of working it. However, I have seen it several times over the years. I would still love to see Aeroclassics make N306FE in the purple top scheme.
i am trying to spot that bird here in toronto before she is gone
hopefully it will come here next
Yeah went back and checked tonight the aircraft is still at yyc recording to flight aware however could not find it anywhere so imagine it has been taken to a hanger at YYC, but the only hanger at YYC that could fit one is the ac or ws 787 hanger so could be in there or I didn’t see it cause it is night.
Will be interesting to see what happens to it as the plane is very close to retirement anyways
Yeah went back and checked tonight the aircraft is still at yyc recording to flight aware however could not find it anywhere so imagine it has been taken to a hanger at YYC, but the only hanger at YYC that could fit one is the ac or ws 787 hanger so could be in there or I didn’t see it cause it is night.
Will be interesting to see what happens to it as the plane is very close to retirement anyways
Hopefully they repaint it back to the Fedex purple top colors and put it into a museum! And it would be cool if they allowed people to walk through it too.
Hopefully they repaint it back to the Fedex purple top colors and put it into a museum! And it would be cool if they allowed people to walk through it too.
That would be awesome. I know that one of FedEx's first Falcons is on display at MEM, maybe N306FE can join it there.