Fedex DC-10 incident at YYC N306FE (Same Aircraft Involved in hijacking incident)

It's definitely possible....right now, there's only 1 DC-10 into IND... from YYZ on the night sort. That should change this month. Last year during peak we had 3 DC-10's on the day sort...mostly from the west coast.
Very good to know, I will keep an eye on it on
As of now, N306FE is still running MEM-GDL-MEM... Hopefully it will rotate back into IND at some point. I'll keep an eye on it.
The only bad thing about being retired, I lost all of my inside info as far as the fleet goes.
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N306FE is at IND today. Arrived at 6:00 this morning from LAX. Will most likely return to LAX this afternoon after the day sort.
had another incident at YYC today this time an ac a321
it turned back took almost the whole runway to land then was meet by fire trucks. It then taxied to gate followed by the trucks
Nothing yet. I've lost all of my insider info since I retired. I'll try to keep an eye on it and the other MD-10s. I'm sure they'll all be going soon since peak is over.
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