Did you go through each month and count Airbus, Boeing, Tupolev etc or did you go through the entire year's run? Doing the former makes no sense as one month NG or PH could make 10 Tu-154s and the next month zero.
The first thing is exactly what I did yes. Why would it not make sense? In the end it's about the average of the entire year, so it doesn't matter if one month has 10 and next month zero.
It is not my opinion. If you took a longer timescale then JC and NG would look the same as it is just a case of when they release the models. JC make all the models at the same time and then string them out.
This is about 2023. Why should I look at the future or the past? JC announced 12 monthly releases this year so that's what I am using for comparison.
I'm not saying you should look at all the previous years but I am saying by not doing so and by not calling out the way brands release all you have done is create a false result.
I don't understand this? First you say I shouldn't use data from previous years and then say I should have for fair results? Which one is it? I did mention in the article that NG splits their batches into different registrations, which does not benefit them in terms of variety, but if any of the other 4 manufacturers did it, they too would have a disadvantage. We can't bend the rules to make the releases of one brand score better, because then I should change the geography scoring too because GJ chooses to target the American market, or the modern/retro ratio because AC does lots of classics.
I just don't think your concept of retro or modern makes any sense. In your view a Super Constellation still flying in 2023 would be retro and a 1987 Air France A320-100 would be modern!
This is undeed not a completely fair way of scoring, but again, then it would be a fulltime job to make everything as fair as it could have been. I don't make any money and my articles are purely for fun.
It just seems odd to exclude brands that make up a significant proportion of the scale nowadays. They are each 75% the size of AC and GJ. I agree they probably wouldn't fare well in a diversity test, especially the way you're doing it, but leaving them out is odd.
Panda has loads of retail exclusives and subbrands. Besides that, how many official releases they got this year? And how many models in each release? I remember that there were only a few models in them, mostly Airbus A320s and 737's, of which most with US or Southeast Asian airlines, and a couple government TU-204's spread over 12 months. AV400 has more yes, but I simply chose not to include them due to lack of diversity and consistent releases.
I was using NG as a proxy - partly because they are the closest to JC in terms of releases, strategy and numbers. I think NG would be low and should be - I in fact wrote a fairly damning appraisal of NG production earlier in the year if you recall. However, what I want is a fair and balanced analysis and I don't feel you have done that as well as you might have. The way you have scored has allowed JC to sneak in for a win they simply don't deserve. I understand looking at the data in detail takes a lot of time but really? DiMA does exist and you're young so have plenty of time
If you can explain where JC got an undeserved high score (looking at 2023 data only), then let me know and I will consider it for 2024. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I have plenty of time. I have a fulltime job now and still can't afford a small (but decent) house/apartment, so don't think I'm spending every free weekend writing about diecast models
Again, if you want the full lists of data of each manufacturer in the way I scored them, I can send them to your email for you to verify my results are correct.