You really have to pity Andrew. I met him last year and he was all nice as pie in person but behind a keyboard he's a total embarrassment. Perhaps next time I meet him I shouldn't be as friendly?
Anyway over at 400sh*thole he's raging like a 5 year old because the moderators at DAC deleted a couple of his rants. The irony is I had nothing to do with his posts being deleted. The moderators at DAC aren't friends of mine but even they are sick of his tirades and vile hate filled lies.
What a loathesome individual. He makes me sound like some machiavellian mastermind. I wish I had some of the powers he attributes to me. I also find it entertaining that he thinks that a professional Business Analyst (and contracting one to boot) can be bought for the price of a few models being sent him for reviews (by every brand aside from his and GJ):
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Which of you want to be the 6-8 imbeciles??