16 New Model Samples To Be Announced & On Show at the Amsterdam Fair This Weekend


Staff member
Hey all. @YesterAirlines will have a table at this weekend's Amsterdam Aviation Fair next to @Steinar . Assuming they get their on time from China (which isn't 100% certain) my table should have a stunning 16 new mould samples from NG Models on show. All of these are new but not all are 400 scale.

In addition to those 16 there will also be the production efforts for the first two 747-8s (BOAC 8i and Atlas Air 8F). I'll probably announce some of the new samples over the next few days. I haven't seen them in person myself yet but I have the list.

I'll also have some models for sale as well if I can get everything in the suitcase! See you there.

Very interesting, if I were a betting man, these would be my assumptions for what these moulds could possibly be from most likely to least likely:




a320 family
bombardier global 6000

Either way, I’m very excited to see what NG will add to their portfolio. It’s been a while since NG announced a new mould in 1/400.
Very interesting, if I were a betting man, these would be my assumptions for what these moulds could possibly be from most likely to least likely:




a320 family
bombardier global 6000

Either way, I’m very excited to see what NG will add to their portfolio. It’s been a while since NG announced a new mould in 1/400.
You are probably very right (in 400 scale at least). I don't see any other moulds that NG would do. Although an Embraer jet wouldn't be unexpected too.
You are probably very right (in 400 scale at least). I don't see any other moulds that NG would do. Although an Embraer jet wouldn't be unexpected too.
I would love to see them make the e175/e190. JC have a semi decent mould but it rarely gets used on interesting subjects. The a220 would be another welcome addition.

Jesus Christ that’s a lot of new moulds. I’d hate to think how long it will take them to get into production.
When GJ will stop making Emirates A380 we will probably see the last of those new moulds out.
But in honesty, we will probably see the few bigger/important once coming out with I'm 5-9 months
Those would be 12 I could imagine...

1/200 - 737, 738, 739, 7M8, 7M9, A318, A319, A320, A320, A319N, A320N, A321N