NG CRP Requests

And people are such muppets. They keep on wasting their votes on models that have already been chosen for production.
There's a reason.
* Each wish you support costs 1 point‍‍*
When the wish is fulfilled (i.e. after the model is completed and delivered), the wish creator and supporters will have the following benefits:
1) The nickname will appear in a special online list along with the product as a special honor!
! ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍2) If you purchase this product, the wish creator will receive 1 times the bonus points, and other wish supporters will receive at least 20% bonus points. More benefits and interesting gameplay will be gradually unlocked! Come and participate!
There's a reason.
Good spot. Point 2 is interesting as it requires a purchase, which they will need to track - presumably through the registration part of the site?

Thank you to everyone who supported the two Tristars I put forward I really appreciate it. Hopefully we can get some more over the line. It seems to suggest that more tan 20+ but less than 40+ votes are required at this point to get into production.
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Thank you to everyone who supported the two Tristars I put forward I really appreciate it. Hopefully we can get some more over the line. It seems to suggest that more tan 20+ but less than 40+ votes are required at this point to get into production.
All Tristars get my vote - unless they're messy looking hybrids 😅
It's surprising how many 'regular scheme' Tristars were actually hybrids (not re-registered - like that gorgeous Iberia, or even all the Aer Lingus ones, amongst many others - technically - the Sudan I wished for is a 'hybrid' too - but in the lovely full scheme) - yeah but there's a substantial number of sad and messy hybrids too
@YesterAirlines so true on the 747. I wouldn’t want my KL to be the first 742 out there.

I was about to put two wishes in, but maybe I should hold off. Thoughts on these below?

Egyptair 747-300 delivery color (only made by magic??)
Gulfair 747-200 (only done by blue box??)
No love for the Avensa 757 or Avianca MD-80?!? What is wrong with the world today? ☹️


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