IND retro airport project

All decals for the main terminal are finished.
Sections 10-13 are on the air side between concourses C & D, and consists of the airport maintenance area and entrances to the baggage claim areas.
First is section 10, facing west.
View attachment 26951
Section 11, facing west.
View attachment 26952
Section 11, facing south
View attachment 26953
section 12, facing west View attachment 26954
section 13
View attachment 26955
and partially assembled
View attachment 26956
The parking garage is next, but before then I will assemble the airport for more photos.
I think this occasion calls for some planes at the gates and some overall shots in addition to the closeups.
Action at IND Friday, July 8, 1983 at 1520.
We'll start at concourse A:
Gate A4 TW flight 456, a 727-231 from MCI arrived at 1515, going back to MCI at 1640 flight 93.
A4 1983.jpg
Gate A5, CO flight 361, a 727-224 arrived from SDF at 1453, going out to DEN at 1530.
A5 1983.jpg Gate A6. TW flight 20, a 767-231ER arrived from STL at 1453, going back to STL at 1605 flight 21.
A6 1983.jpg
Gate A7 FL flight 232, a 737-291A arrived from DEN at 1501, going out to CMH at 1526.
7 1983.jpg
At concourse B.
AA flight 428, a 727-223 arrived from DFW at 1458, going back to DFW at 1545 flight 473.
B1 1983.jpg
Gate B2
AA flight 221, a 727-200 arrived from ORD at 1425, going back to ORD at 1632 flight 514.
B2 1983.jpg
Concourse D:
AL flight 133 from PIT a 727-2B7A (was swapped out, scheduled as a 737-200) arrived at 1354, going out to PHX at 1534.
AL flight 300, a 737-2B7A arrived from PHX at 1506, going out to PIT at 1600.
D8 1983.jpg
And finally at Gate D9, OZ flight 773 a DC-9-41 arrived from PHL at 1458, scheduled out to STL at running late, they are just finishing up and should be pushing back shortly.
D9 1983.jpg
The best would be 3D Printing. You can find some stuff on Shapeways!
Shapeways has a reputation for being overpriced and low quality. Plus i have not been able to figure out any efficient way to search their catalog. I could design it myself if I could get reference material. I designed the entire terminal for 3D printing.
Looks fantastic! Are you planning to get some 1:400 cars and put them on the top level?
Yes, as soon as era/locale appropriate ones can be located. Having the same issue with GSE...

The top level of the parking garage wasn't heavily used anyway.... except by the occasional spotter. Most "normal" people tended to park on level 3 when possible, since that's where the skybridge connections to the terminal were located.
do you guys know what regional carriers were operating in ohio during the late 80s? How many flights were there to day?
Not off the top of my head... but I did just pick up a group of OAGs off of ebay, including issues from 1987, 88, 89 and 90.

Which cities in Ohio? Columbus? Cleveland? Cincinnati? Dayton? Toledo? Akron/Canton?