A Quick Comparison of 2 Star Alliance A350s


Staff member
I don't seem to be able to stop upgrading models in my collection. A recent addition was the NG Models Air China Star Alliance A350 B-308M, which will replace the JC Wings version from 2019 I already own. Having both models gave me an opportunity to compare them a little so I pulled together this GIF. Outside of the overall nose shape the difference in gear height, cockpit print shape and aerial erectness standout to me.


I don't seem to be able to stop upgrading models in my collection. A recent addition was the NG Models Air China Star Alliance A350 B-308M, which will replace the JC Wings version from 2019 I already own. Having both models gave me an opportunity to compare them a little so I pulled together this GIF. Outside of the overall nose shape the difference in gear height, cockpit print shape and aerial erectness standout to me.

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NG's newer A350s seem to have some changes to their nose? They're not as sharp anymore?

JC's always looked off to me - droopy and sad with that snout-ey nose shape and those short stooping cockpit windows
From the nose section, amongst the older moulds, PHX tends to surprisingly look much better.
NG's newer A350s seem to have some changes to their nose? They're not as sharp anymore?

JC's always looked off to me - droopy and sad with that snout-ey nose shape and those short stooping cockpit windows
From the nose section, amongst the older moulds, PHX tends to surprisingly look much better.
There's definitely something going on. Not sure if it's the shape, size, or placement (or all three) of the cockpit windows, but the overall nose section looks off to me, especially on the KE and DL A35Ks. These two kind of remind me JC's awful nose section of the A350.


Compared to this ET A359 from the same batch which, to me, looks more accurate.

There's definitely something going on. Not sure if it's the shape, size, or placement (or all three) of the cockpit windows, but the overall nose section looks off to me, especially on the KE and DL A35Ks. These two kind of remind me JC's awful nose section of the A350.

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Compared to this ET A359 from the same batch which, to me, looks more accurate.

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NG 350s have always had sharp noses (at least in pics), I remember that being a major concern when looking at their SQ. It isn’t noticeable in person.
that cockpit window shape on the JC/Gemini looks awful when you show those comparisons lol, as well as that nose cone shape. both seem to be a bit “droopy”. not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things though for me. The only “bad” thing I notice about the NG version is that the nose gear seems a bit too tall. all these things have been pointed out by others here which is good to know i’m not crazy, even if extremely nitpicky.
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There's a marked difference between the Air China in the foreground, and the Ethiopian at the back
The Air China nose shape and nose gear ht both are closer to an A350.
You're totally right! The nose shape of the Air China is balanced and definitely looks the best compared to the other two.
You can see the ET and TG have a more noticeable gap between the nose gear doors and the fuselage. I wish NG was more consistent but I guess that's just too much to ask 😮‍💨
NG's A350s are the best no doubt!
I guess it shows in this chat haha
That we're getting into finer details, knowing this is an exquisite tooling.

Which will be impossible to discuss on the other moulds - as those have larger obvious global issues that need sorting out
Not only A350 but also 747, 757, 737, A320, A330, MD80 and maybe their 777 and 787 if they fix their cockpit windows
Not only A350 but also 747, 757, 737, A320, A330, MD80 and maybe their 777 and 787 if they fix their cockpit windows
Oh yes yes.
I just mentioned the A350 here since that was the topic
But NG's moulds are the best in what they touch and better than the competition with assured fewer chances of slips - including the 777s & 787s

747-1-to-400 on the non-Lite mould we're yet to see, and frankly, I've been looking at a lot of 767s recently - photos and on live stream - and I do think that the criticism they've received for the 763 (from myself included) is too harsh - it's actually quite accurate to a great extent - and maybe edging out the Panda

EDIT: with @Jazajia posting the PM 763 pictures here below - I'd think they've broadly outdone NG in this department
Post in thread 'Panda New Molds: C919, MD-11 and 767-300 (Photo Intensive)' https://modelairlinerforum.com/thre...1-and-767-300-photo-intensive.2094/post-36040
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