Phoenix Finally Fixes Its A321 Wing


Staff member
Sometimes it seems Phoenix is content on being overtaken by all the other brands but recently they have been showing some signs of life and something that had gone un-noticed is that they have actually finally modified their A321 wing so it looks like an A321! I feel brands should really advertise when they make these sort of improvements as it looks like the new wing has now been used for at least 4 releases:

PHX Fixes Its A321.jpg
I wonder if they managed to properly engrave the double slotted flaps as well. They're quite thin layers of flaps when retracted, and almost all of the moulds ended up not recreating that detail, with one surprising exception that is GJ/JC. While their A321 as a whole is quite terrible I'd say it does have the best wings -- particularly the flaps and the sharklets.
They must've gotten their biggest wave of purchases from those BAW 742's.
The store where I got mine was unpacking their shipment the day I was there, they told me they ordered enough to fulfill all their preorders and 24 extra of each. They told me they were sure those were going to be hot sellers in spite of the mold.