NG CRP Requests

Not the exchange event - something about a points bonus redemption drive or something thereof?
Unless I misread or misinterpreted what I'd seen
You mean the giftcards that you will be getting from a purchase at a retailer then if you use these giftcards you will get 5 additional points when redeeming the card NG also posted about this on instagram
Is there a period within which the gift cards have to be redeemed?
Translated text below is from the wechat post:

I buy all the models. How can I get a little more points?
(Next round of big points swaps: April 1 - April 7)
From February 15 to March 15, purchase any of its model products and receive an additional gift card per box
1:100 gets 3 cards per box, 1:100 get 2 cards per Box, 1 400, Cartoon and other gets 1 card per Box (each gift card needs to be used with a points card for points accumulation)
Each card contains 5 points, which will be given directly by the merchant
There is a limited number of gift cards for this event. Arrive first, get it until you have given it
Unrelated, but does anyone know if NG is doing a March release?
Seems like for the last months, NG decided to let more than a month (approximately a month and 10-15 days) between their releases set, when checking their latest announcement dates. Maybe we will see next release by the end of March. Hints must be published by the last 10 or 5 days of the month (maybe the 25th) since Feb hints happened on the 13th