NG CRP Requests

Is Air Liberte an airline people want to see made?? The last and only release was with AC I believe. And its only the MD-80, with a relatively simple livery...

Sidenote: I've been wondering whether other manufacturers will snoop around on NG's website and also produce the models that have scored highly. Either way its a win-win scenario
I'm so glad that so many classics are being considered for production, but there are many to go! Btw. I see a large number of voters going for the 727-100 and -200. Will NG also consider making these moulds?
I'm so glad that so many classics are being considered for production, but there are many to go! Btw. I see a large number of voters going for the 727-100 and -200. Will NG also consider making these moulds?

To be honest, I don't think NG should be focusing in new moulds right now.
They still have to show us their improved 747s.
Still no sign of their A340s either, and now they have to produce all these models being requested.
I think a 727 is highly unlikely now
Is Air Liberte an airline people want to see made?? The last and only release was with AC I believe. And its only the MD-80, with a relatively simple livery...

Sidenote: I've been wondering whether other manufacturers will snoop around on NG's website and also produce the models that have scored highly. Either way its a win-win scenario
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Air Liberte would be good, but pretty much any MD-80 prior to 200 is a go-er for me. The Gemini Jets DC-10 did indeed have this same tail
To be honest, I don't think NG should be focusing in new moulds right now.
They still have to show us their improved 747s.
Still no sign of their A340s either, and now they have to produce all these models being requested.
I think a 727 is highly unlikely now
Totally agree. They need to a lot with the moulds they already have, and moulds they have previewed.
The 747s in preproduction, but with the no sign of the real mould , is concerning.
And the A340s - well, NG's forgotten they even have them
Totally agree. They need to a lot with the moulds they already have, and moulds they have previewed.
The 747s in preproduction, but with the no sign of the real mould , is concerning.
And the A340s - well, NG's forgotten they even have them

To be honest, I don't think NG should be focusing in new moulds right now.
They still have to show us their improved 747s.
Still no sign of their A340s either, and now they have to produce all these models being requested.
I think a 727 is highly unlikely now
Good points. I almost forgot about the A340 altogether. I hope they make it one day.

I'm also waiting on the outcome of their 747 and if they would come with corrections to the nose shape and the number of leading edge slats...
I see so many "no brainer" suggestions there - if only they get their stuff done right finally.
The 'no brainers' extend to other types as well - not only the 747s. And not only classics - but contemporary ones as well.
The Commission Centre is a good way to achieve diversity so to speak, and one sees the possibility of that in terms of the requests made - but in many ways, the voting pattern is broadly tending towards an echo chamber.
Like UA 772s in different cowling combos - really?!
Perhaps NG needs to develop a nuanced production strategy - maybe creating 2 or 3 MOQ categories. Just because something gets 32 votes doesn't mean there's no collector demand for something that's got 8 - they're probably not the ones going to spend time on a smartphone app . The voting demography and access is also a big variable.