Jet Prop Stopgaps: Viscounts in Hawaii


Staff member
Despite reports to the contrary I still buy a lot of Aeroclassics and they still make some really nice models. This Hawaiian Airlines Viscount was a recent arrival. Part of the June releases it took an age to get to me as I mistakenly chose surface rather than airmail. It's a shame that @AKlein707 acts the way he does towards me as I'm generally a strong supporter of his models but regardless of that I appreciate he still makes some great props so well done on this one Andrew. The Viscount was a late arrival to the Hawaiian scene and was never more than a stopgap but it did the job.

I find it extremely funny that "people" claim that you have no AC models when in actuality you have many new releases of AC
I own 1,402 Aeroclassics models. They have historically been my favourite brand. This year I've acquired 19 of their new releases. They produce some great stuff and have a great diversity of releases. Happy to say that because it is true. Does that make me an 'Aeroclassics apologist'???