JAZ's Collection

I was going through some photos and found a couple of outtakes I intended to use on a blog post a year and a half ago.


In the end, I settled on the image below. It isn't easy to fit five 747s on a setup designed to accommodate one (1) 1:400 model at a time.


Here is the article in question:

A lot of things have changed since I wrote it:

I've gotten myself a KLM 747-200, with an interesting background story of its own. You can read about it here, or below:

And have also since gotten a copy of BA 100 Years Landor G-BNLY:

The collection is packed away in preparation for a move in the near future. This will be the fourth time that I move with my collection, but the first time I only had about 20 models, the second time I had about 50 models, but it was only a partial move, and there were virtually no new models by the time the third move happened. This time I have passed the 400 models mark (all scales). I had known for a few years this time would come, and I tried to consciously keep the collection somewhat modest for that reason, but to no avail.

We still have a bit of time, but I wanted to pack all the models before things got hectic.

It was interesting to see the last four years of exponential growth rewind. It was also neat to reconnect with several models.

I had been documenting the packing process on social media. Also, took the opportunity to photograph a few models that had never been under my lens. Though not as many as I wanted, as otherwise I would have never finished packing.

A total of 8 boxes of different sizes hold almost the entire collection. There is another good size box full of spares, custom donors, and some duplicates:



It is always a challenged to make all the boxes fit efficiently:

It's a nice model overall, but some details do bother me...
Cockpit windows too high, the red on the center tank fairing, and the terrible #2 engine exhaust :(
But still a nice bird. I love this livery!
The left cockpit side window should not have a red outline. The real bird also had a hush kit. I’m not a color-freak, but that yellow also looks kind of off.