How to keep geminijets airport mat flat?


Active member
My new geminijets airport mat refuses to lay flat is there away without damaging it to keep it in a flat position, is tape nessassary?
If you were thinking about keeping it down permanently maybe some super glue or those cheap school glue bottles could work. Though I wouldn't do that if it was a very expensive thing.
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If you were thinking about keeping it down permanently maybe some super glue or those cheap school glue bottles could work. Though I wouldn't do that if it was a very expensive thing.
Not a bad idea but I do move my model airport layout a lot so glue wouldn’t be best also don’t wanna ruin it in case I move one day and need to take it out which is likely
I mount it on PVC Board, using the double-sided tape, then put some heavy books on top for a couple days. There are no obvious bumps or uneven surfaces. It still looks great after several years of is
Is it good to use with mdf as I don’t know where to get pvc boards