GJ July Releases

Getting through the release videos at pace now. This is a truly Gemini set of models. All core GJ markets and only 9 releases of which 3 have been made better by competitors already, 3 have been made by Gemini before (if you include the EK A380) and both the 767-400s are a complete waste of zinc (and have either been made already better or will be soon). Even the DL MD-80 is likely to get a better outing within the year I'd have thought. Even so, they still manage to eek out some interest but it isn't in the Airbus or Boeing portion of the set.

Panda version has some major QC issues with the ink printing on the wing with smudging.
I haven't seen that myself - any evidence? What I have seen is a mould that is a 9/10 as opposed to something that is more like a 5/10. Anyone buying the GJ 767-400 needs their eye's testing and even if they have a reason not to buy the Panda the NG mould is also much superior to this one anyway.
Hard for me to decide which ones to get right now but I settled for the Mad Dogs knowing how popular those two will be.