I understand... what's up with all those smooth curves and pointy wings? It looks like a spaceship, it lacks the character of a real jetliner

. Where have the sharp angles and smokey engines gone?! What a disgrace! I'm mostly kidding, but I can see how someone can instinctively dislike the 787. I have to say that is growing on me slowly, and the A350 is actually starting to call my attention more and more, I think it looks more interesting than the Dreamliner, but still nothing like a 747 or a tri-jet. Only two Dreamliners in my collection and no A350s so far.
As far as the JC/GJ 748, they did mess up the hump enough for it to jump at me.
I think we are definitely at a prime time for what I refer to as contemporary classics (airliners from the 70s-200s), as opposed to vintage classics (propliners, and pre-70s jets).
Plenty of us missed out on the initial wave that took place in the early 2000s, we are still very active and willing to drop cash on a second wave of re-releases in updated molds, and I bet there is even enough demand to warrant certain re-releases in the same old molds that still exist (BB 74s...) As you said, given the current exaggerated response to the perceived higher demand for ultra-modern stuff, and the stiff competition to satisfy that market might make those contemporary classics strong sellers right this minute (low supply high demand). Wait a decade and some of us (the demand) might have moved on. We can see this with the propliner market, it is becoming more and more niche, almost exclusively served by Aeroclassics, and AK himself has recently said multiple times that they are running out of sellable subjects.
I think there will always be demand for classic/vintage/historic types, but it will likely not be enough to warrant mass production and those who want those models will have to look for more artisanal ways to obtain their desired aircraft models.
Or... maybe in some years, we will see a wave of thirst for aviation history among the collectorate, and a 1:400 version of the Wright Flyer will become the hot seller of the moment with JC, NG and Aeroclassics all producing molds for it.