Dragon 1:400 still active as of 2024?


Staff member
I just came across these models. These pictures were taken from Airbus website.
Well, I know Dragon did some corporate models for Airbus, but I thought that was in 2007/08 or so.
I didn't know they were still active nowadays.




The A321 looks very crappy (just like DW A320 family in a whole, to be honest) but the A330-900 looks quite better.
Any thoughts? This caught me by surprise, really!
I want to say Richard's article on DW does mention that they kept their Airbus line running for Airbus Corporate models. So, the answer is most likely yes, this is still good ole DW in 2024. And yes, Richard also lamented the fact that their Airbus molds were pretty bad (especially the narrowbodies), and it was a shame that those are the ones that remain active to this day. Such is life
I want to say Richard's article on DW does mention that they kept their Airbus line running for Airbus Corporate models.

Yeah, I remember that but honestly I didn't know these were still being produced. I thought the last Airbus corporate models were released around early 2010s... guess I was wrong!
Recently bought back two of their releases to go with the 200 scale.

What was the reason that they decided to drop out of the 400 scale business?