Anybody collect those Daron planes when they were little?

I had 1 daron 1:200 Delta 737. My little brother got his hands on it though and the last time I saw the thing it was in pretty poor shape. This was back when I was 5 and my little brother who got into everything (I thought I had hid it pretty well) was 3. Said little brother is not so little anymore and graduated a couple years ago
God I have quite the story about Daron planes. Back when I was a kid I came down with a really bad case of pneumonia and that led to me being hospitalized. Since it was around Christmas, the hospital had set up a bunch of tables with a bunch of toys on them and called down the kids that were able to come down to pick out a gift for themselves. As my condition didn't allow me to get up and move around properly, my dad went and picked out something he'd think I'd like. That ended up being a Daron Westjet playset. I enjoyed the hell out of that playset but after I got better and was discharged, eventually I had forgotten about it, however around 8ish years later, I found it again. Mothballed and in a pitiful condition, I went to Google to see if I could find another model to replace it and well, I found 1/400 scale aircraft along the way. I never did end up getting that replacement Westjet model, instead going into the rabbit hole of 1/400, but I can say that it was a Daron model that directly led me into 1/400 scale aircraft. My "gateway drug"

But to answer the question that was asked, yes and no. I had that one single Westjet model so I never did personally collect them, but whenever I go and buy my models, I'll sometimes buy a Daron model for my younger brothers.


The Playset that I most likely got while I was hospitalized. I still have the tug, however that too is in an abysmal condition
God I have quite the story about Daron planes. Back when I was a kid I came down with a really bad case of pneumonia and that led to me being hospitalized. Since it was around Christmas, the hospital had set up a bunch of tables with a bunch of toys on them and called down the kids that were able to come down to pick out a gift for themselves. As my condition didn't allow me to get up and move around properly, my dad went and picked out something he'd think I'd like. That ended up being a Daron Westjet playset. I enjoyed the hell out of that playset but after I got better and was discharged, eventually I had forgotten about it, however around 8ish years later, I found it again. Mothballed and in a pitiful condition, I went to Google to see if I could find another model to replace it and well, I found 1/400 scale aircraft along the way. I never did end up getting that replacement Westjet model, instead going into the rabbit hole of 1/400, but I can say that it was a Daron model that directly led me into 1/400 scale aircraft. My "gateway drug"

But to answer the question that was asked, yes and no. I had that one single Westjet model so I never did personally collect them, but whenever I go and buy my models, I'll sometimes buy a Daron model for my younger brothers.


The Playset that I most likely got while I was hospitalized. I still have the tug, however that too is in an abysmal condition
Dam great story , coincidentally the first one my dad ever bought me when I was super little was the Westjet 737 playset lol,
I had 1 daron 1:200 Delta 737. My little brother got his hands on it though and the last time I saw the thing it was in pretty poor shape. This was back when I was 5 and my little brother who got into everything (I thought I had hid it pretty well) was 3. Said little brother is not so little anymore and graduated a couple years ago
My younger brother did a number on some of mine lol
I had a few, I predominantly had Matchbox planes but also had more brands such as Corgi, Ertl, Dinky Toys. I still have all mine up in the loft and from what i can remember they were my favourite toys.
I never saw Daron planes as a kid. But yes, my interest in collecting models started with 1:600 Schabaks. Got loads of them from the various inflight sales like Malaysia Airlines, SABENA, Thai, Air France, Swissair. Plus got many from the Dubai Duty Free back in 80s/90s as there used be a shop that used to stock Schabaks in loads. Then got into 1:250 and 1:200 Woosters/PPC/Long Prosper models. And finally I forayed into 1:400 and onto 1:200.. I still have all of those 1:600 Schabaks. Many are MADE IN W. GERMANY.
God I have quite the story about Daron planes. Back when I was a kid I came down with a really bad case of pneumonia and that led to me being hospitalized. Since it was around Christmas, the hospital had set up a bunch of tables with a bunch of toys on them and called down the kids that were able to come down to pick out a gift for themselves. As my condition didn't allow me to get up and move around properly, my dad went and picked out something he'd think I'd like. That ended up being a Daron Westjet playset. I enjoyed the hell out of that playset but after I got better and was discharged, eventually I had forgotten about it, however around 8ish years later, I found it again. Mothballed and in a pitiful condition, I went to Google to see if I could find another model to replace it and well, I found 1/400 scale aircraft along the way. I never did end up getting that replacement Westjet model, instead going into the rabbit hole of 1/400, but I can say that it was a Daron model that directly led me into 1/400 scale aircraft. My "gateway drug"

But to answer the question that was asked, yes and no. I had that one single Westjet model so I never did personally collect them, but whenever I go and buy my models, I'll sometimes buy a Daron model for my younger brothers.


The Playset that I most likely got while I was hospitalized. I still have the tug, however that too is in an abysmal condition
I have over 90 Daron planes but that westjet 737 is still missing
Ah, that brings back memories. I owned a ton of Darons and Matchboxes as a kid. United and NWA 747s, a Lufthansa DC-10 and a Jetstar 787(?). Went from those to 1:200 Hogans, took a 10-year hiatus and re-entered the hobby this year. View attachment 8443
I collect Daron planes but I don’t have a single NWA in my 90+ strong collection. Willing to buy it for a reasonable price
I still see those Daron regularly at airports. When I was a kid, Matchbox SkyBusters were really popular. Back then they (I mean Matchbox) actually produced toys that resembled real airliners and had liveries of real airlines. The Matchbox airliners of today are all fantasy stuff.

I was digging through a box of old stuff not long ago and came across this Matchbox Concorde in the BA Landor colors. Not bad, they actually got the Landor font right, Gemini didn't.

View attachment 8385
I still have a bunch of those also. Stored unfortunately so no pictures.