Anybody collect those Daron planes when they were little?

EQ Planes

Active member
I was going through an old sd card and found some photos my parents had taken to test a new camera, on it I found these photos of six year old playing with my daron planes wich I grew a collection of up too 30ish. my dad used to bring them home for me from work trips and they were always my favourite toy when I was little and probably have something to do with me getting into collecting 1:400s nowdays. Did anyone else share this experience with them when they were younger?


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I got into aviation too late, I got into model collecting too late in my life and by the time I did get into aviation I wanted to collect models that was in the 80's-90's era and not much of the planes we see today. Though I do have one Daron A330 my brother got when we were at a flight museum so I guess I had collected one Daron plane from my brothers room.
Yeah I had an air Canada 777 I then found it years later and tried to make it a realistic model and in the end i made it a cargojet 762
I don’t have it on my airport anymore as it’s not up to standards.
I also had a a380 as well,

I still see those Daron regularly at airports. When I was a kid, Matchbox SkyBusters were really popular. Back then they (I mean Matchbox) actually produced toys that resembled real airliners and had liveries of real airlines. The Matchbox airliners of today are all fantasy stuff.

I was digging through a box of old stuff not long ago and came across this Matchbox Concorde in the BA Landor colors. Not bad, they actually got the Landor font right, Gemini didn't.

I had a few of those myself, along with the aforementioned Skybusters. IIRC I had a NWA 747-400 final livery and Continental 777 from the latter. Hopefully I'll find their 1:400 counterparts soon, especially that NWA, because I loved that plane as a child.
I still see those Daron regularly at airports. When I was a kid, Matchbox SkyBusters were really popular. Back then they (I mean Matchbox) actually produced toys that resembled real airliners and had liveries of real airlines. The Matchbox airliners of today are all fantasy stuff.

I was digging through a box of old stuff not long ago and came across this Matchbox Concorde in the BA Landor colors. Not bad, they actually got the Landor font right, Gemini didn't.

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Wow looks really goo for the time my dad has a ac dc-9 that has a simlar style to it.
Ah, that brings back memories. I owned a ton of Darons and Matchboxes as a kid. United and NWA 747s, a Lufthansa DC-10 and a Jetstar 787(?). Went from those to 1:200 Hogans, took a 10-year hiatus and re-entered the hobby this year. 1325323-26866-83-720.jpg
I was going through an old sd card and found some photos my parents had taken to test a new camera, on it I found these photos of six year old playing with my daron planes wich I grew a collection of up too 30ish. my dad used to bring them home for me from work trips and they were always my favourite toy when I was little and probably have something to do with me getting into collecting 1:400s nowdays. Did anyone else share this experience with them when they were younger?
Yup! I still have some to date, and whenever i go to a new airport, i get an airline that serves that airport, at one of those news stands. it’s sort of a tradition.
I had a bunch from when I was much younger! SAS A343, UA 744 in Tulip and Battleship colors, VS 744, BA 744, etc... I still have a couple albeit either damaged or worn out. They bring back good memories though!
I absolutely did, whenever my nana came over from the UK she would get me one, also growing up did anyone have those push back planes with lightup engines? Unfortunately my mum took them to her school she worked at, at the time and were to never be seen again
Went to a local hobby shop today to get some supplies for customs and came across these. If only they were 1:400… Speaking of, I am not sure where to go today here in Houston to purchase a 1:400 scape model in person. All the places I knew of either stopped carrying them or went out of business…


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