Well-known member
Perfect day to snap some shots in the heart of Bavaria.
Here's D-AIHU tearing through the clouds on MUC-JFK
210323_daihu by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Sister D-AIHW doing MUC-MIA
210323_daihw by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
And then of course there was this beauty. While we get plenty of training flights (A320/330/340/350...) a Boeing 747 is a rare sight at Airbus Manching
What a beauty the 747 is. Hard to decide for some shots as they made an uncounted number of full stop landings, touch and goes, low approaches...
Hope you enjoy at least a bit as much as I did taking these shots
Wide angle
210323_dabtl3-1600 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Touch down
210323_dabtl-r1920 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Lining up for take off after the next crew change
210323_dabtl_19202 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
747s are beauties
210323_dabtl-f by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Going around on three engines
210323_dabtl4-1600 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Does 2x2 make a 4-holer too? So we'd have two in this picture
210323_dabtl-qr by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Here's D-AIHU tearing through the clouds on MUC-JFK
210323_daihu by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Sister D-AIHW doing MUC-MIA
210323_daihw by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
And then of course there was this beauty. While we get plenty of training flights (A320/330/340/350...) a Boeing 747 is a rare sight at Airbus Manching
What a beauty the 747 is. Hard to decide for some shots as they made an uncounted number of full stop landings, touch and goes, low approaches...
Hope you enjoy at least a bit as much as I did taking these shots
Wide angle
210323_dabtl3-1600 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Touch down
210323_dabtl-r1920 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Lining up for take off after the next crew change
210323_dabtl_19202 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
747s are beauties
210323_dabtl-f by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Going around on three engines
210323_dabtl4-1600 by AlexK3800, auf Flickr
Does 2x2 make a 4-holer too? So we'd have two in this picture
210323_dabtl-qr by AlexK3800, auf Flickr