Though I started this thread, I haven’t had enough time to compose a comprehensive 2023 review! With all the hustle and bustle from uni fades “a bit” away, I would like to share my list of the best models released this year by various manufacturers and categories. You might have seen this exact post on my personal Instagram account but due to word limitations, I would like to share it more thoroughly on this thread (I am typing this thread on the bus to my uni). I have bought quite a hefty amount of model this year, which is a few models short from 3 digits (yikes! - 2 will be coming prior the new year and I am eager to share with you!!!). The reason for this extravagant number is due to the good deals I encountered (I seldomly buy models at their original price or not being discounted). The criteria applies for brands that I have bought for more than 1 example this year (sorry GJ, AV, HYJL and the incoming AC). The majority of 2023 new releases I got coming from NGModels (I was kinda surprised how this turned out because I thought I have bought a lot of PMs). Alas but honorable mention to HYJL and their Juneyao A321neo standard scheme which is well represented. Some of the shots are shadows in the sunrise (I hope you like those shots too). Starting the list with a model that many collectors praised:
- Classic of the Year:
NGModels Cathay Pacific L1011-1 VR-HHK “1st release - long eng.2 exhaust” in the classy Lettuce Sandwich livery. The classic livery is finally represented on the best L-1011 mould on the market. The model came with horizontal stab and wing detached, but after those issues were fixed it is still a wonderful one! Without the shortcomings, it should have the title “Best Model Overall of the Year”.

Hello from the other sides with the other L-1011s I got this year! You can guess where they will appear next!

- A brand that many neglects but had a blast this year with the variety of airlines and models offered:
Phoenix Ilyushin OKB Ilyushin IL-96-300 RF-96007. This model is beautifully crafted with all issues found on previous IL96-300 fixed - higher mid main landing gears, too high printed window lines (It’s great that PHX listened to collectors). They already had a head start in 2024 with many nice models presented which I will add in my collection. Phoenix also put put some really obscure subjects this year (from what I bought: Drukair A320neo, Kam Air A343, Air Senegal A339) and they were selling like hotcakes, which is contrary to my expectation (gladly I were able to pick them up before having to sell my kidney, I am joking). And their Feb/Mar 2024 already made me worried.

The testbed IL96-300 against the sun. I wish PHX made fuselage mods to this -300 variant to create the -400 ones!

- A young brand with exceptionally high detail and is truly a bargain for its price:
PandaModels Russian Navy Tu-134UBL RF-12037 “Tu-160 trainer”. This mould shows a great effort from the brand bringing an unpopular variant to the market! PM is priced marginally lower in the Asian market, which made them super attractive offerings. Their QC is maintained to the highest standard. Also I praised PM’s effort on the A321neo mould to NG’s ones. I am eagerly waiting for their 764 next year and the quality shall be on par with their previous outputs!

- The long player in the market:
JCWings with the
Aeroflot Ilyushin IL-86 pair (with Russian rego: RA-86074 and Soviet ones: CCCP-86096). A good ol’ mould resurfaced after a long time in storage and is well received by many collectors. The details are great and QC is acceptable (though my CCCP- copy got a detached starboard horizontal stab). JC have access to the widest array of moulds in the scale but hasn’t put them into use the way they should be. The Aeroflot IL86 proved to be popular and with JC’s variant production, I would not be surprised to see more SU 86s. This subject (SU 86) is highly received by many collectors and before the JC ones came out, GJ versions were sold at an arm and a leg!

- Finally, the ultimate prize - the best model overall for 2023 -
NGModels SAUDIA Boeing 787-10 HZ-AR32 in the new livery - an aircraft that fits into my main collecting criteria which is done on the high-quality B78X mould. The new livery starts to grow on me. I like how SV goes against the trend by creating a new outlook by modifying the classic scheme! The details are well printed and it looks just amazing, error-less imo! Here is a shot at the tail PoV.

The model is still beautiful despite not showing all of its detail as a result of the camera facing directly at the rising sun.

NGModels has been releasing many great models this year (alongside with variants to them, which makes the market even more diverse). I have been very picky but at last got so many NG new releases in 2023! Despite of some shortcomings (I noticed all of them and has my own opinions about the situation), I would like to praise NG’s efforts on releasing high-quality realistic models. So the last shot is also a silhouette one.

Thank you all for reading my terribly long post! I wish you a nice evening and a nice weekend ahead! I will share my Purchase of the Year in the coming days (and please make a guess which one will be on the list!)