The apparent back story of this TU-154, was that during the late 80s, PAN AM was struggling, this led to Pan Am (controversially), to lease 5 TU-154’s from Aeroflot. The first 2 aircraft were delivered in May 1988, with the other 3 being delivered during the rest of 1988. Pan Am would operate the TU-154’s up until 1990. When they would be returned back to Aeroflot. 3 of the aircraft would operate until the 2000s, when they were scrapped. 2 of them would operate for Aeroflot until 1999, When the 2 aircraft would be delivered to Iran Air until it could get more aircraft. Iran Air would operate both aircraft until 2005, when it bought A320’s from Air Jamaica. They would be scrapped soon after, with EP-ZLL being scrapped in Tehran in 2007, while EP-ZLA being scrapped in Moscow in 2010.