There are so few 707s made by anyone other than Aeroclassics that you could be forgiven for thinking this new pair by BigBird are a new mould, which of course they aren't. Nonetheless, it is great to see some classic jets even if this one does represent an aircraft from the mid-70s rather than the 1960s. It is the first time this updated Witty mould has been seen since 2019 and the result is a very nice four-holer. Shout out to to Bedfordshire Diecast sponsoring this review:

Pan Am | Boeing 707-321B Adv | N435PA | BigBird Mk3
Classic four-holer jets are a real rarity in 400 scale aside from the output of Aeroclassics. Of over 350 707-320s that have been made to date, over 270 of them are from Aeroclassics and since 2014 only one has been made that hasn't been by them. That is,