RM Model Store


Starting to receive newsletters from them again about pre-orders and it seems like their website is up and running.

They used to be a great retailer that went rogue, scamming customers left and right. Anyone try them out recently? I personally will not, but was curious about other's experiences. Personally surprised at how shameless they are to restart their business under the same name given their horrible reputation.
I've got an email from them too. I had a Skywest House Livery CRJ-700 ordered from them back in July 2022, and it hasn't been delivered to my house for about a year now. Depending if their business has improved or not, I will have to wait for some other collectors who recently ordered a model from them in order to know if they have improved.
I've got an email from them too. I had a Skywest House Livery CRJ-700 ordered from them back in July 2022, and it hasn't been delivered to my house for about a year now. Depending if their business has improved or not, I will have to wait for some other collectors who recently ordered a model from them in order to know if they have improved.
Did you ever file a dispute with your credit card company?
I'm not going to bother to give them a second chance, given how badly they scammed other people. They may become successful again but the damage has been done.
There's so many better options you should stick to. RM Model Store is a nobody in this community now, he scammed and took advantage of people's trust. Should say enough about someone.
I've got an email from them too. I had a Skywest House Livery CRJ-700 ordered from them back in July 2022, and it hasn't been delivered to my house for about a year now. Depending if their business has improved or not, I will have to wait for some other collectors who recently ordered a model from them in order to know if they have improved.
They have not improved, recently ordered and it's been crickets ever since
I was about to place an order with them last month. Fortunately after reading this board also a YouTube video posted by a collector didn't do it.