Question about HC-009 (BB400 American 747 hybrid)


Well-known member
I'm clearing space at the basement and prepare some models for sale.
I stumbled upon this release:
I do have the one on the original BB400 mould (HC-009, 93/120), but not only does MADb show pictures (the ones on the mirror) of a different model/mould, quite a few other retailers and users do too. All go under the item# HC-009 too but are a completely different product. What's the deal? Anyone know?
Do you have a picture from the side? Most of the ones that were labeled as HC release on eBay looked more like a BB mk2 with short nosegear.
Do you have a picture from the side? Most of the ones that were labeled as HC release on eBay looked more like a BB mk2 with short nosegear.
The one I have is the original HC - got it back then through HC. It's like the picture on white (real BB400) on MADb. The other pics (the ones on the mirror) show a different product but a HC card too. I'm not familiar with all the stuff that came post BB400, but you could well be right about MkII. I'm just not getting the connection to the HC. Fake?
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I have the entire HC collection and as far as I can recall there was only one release of this model on the part of 400SH
Noone with an explanation on this?
Here's mine the way I got it through the club in 2005. BB400 mould all the way with numbered card in black box.
N743PA by Alexander Kern, auf Flickr

And here's a pic from MADb claiming to be HC-009 as well. Clearly this is a different product on a different mould (fake BB/BB MkII??) with different artwork, a card that seems to be a "sample" or something and a white "BB400" box.