Great models. I hadn't noticed the Varig 707 or I'd have grabbed it!
One thing it seems you have to careful with when ordering from the Aviation Shop is that the condition of secondhand models is not always perfect (I've spoken with others who've had similar experiences). Several of the models in this box have 'ramp rash' from rubbing in the cradles. I get the feeling they'd been boxed up for many years. Given the rarity of the models here I'm willing to accept it.
I'd never seen this BigBird Seaboard World 747 in the wild before. You can see there is some ramp rash but I can live with it:

One thing it seems you have to careful with when ordering from the Aviation Shop is that the condition of secondhand models is not always perfect (I've spoken with others who've had similar experiences). Several of the models in this box have 'ramp rash' from rubbing in the cradles. I get the feeling they'd been boxed up for many years. Given the rarity of the models here I'm willing to accept it.
I'd never seen this BigBird Seaboard World 747 in the wild before. You can see there is some ramp rash but I can live with it: