NG Delta 767-300s


Staff member
I've seen a fair bit of criticism of NG's recent Delta 767-300s (on FB I mean) and comments from some suggesting that the Gemini and/or Phoenix moulds are superior. While I don't disagree that the NG versions have issues the suggestion that the other moulds are better overall just doesn't fit the reality when you compare them. While none are bad moulds, and I'm not telling people what to buy, the reality is that the NG mould is definitely superior in everyway except one. It certainly isn't the 'hot mess' suggested by some and the cockpit windows should be an easy fix.

Here's a quick cheat sheet comparison I made of the 3 all in the same livery. Incidentally the review of the AA 767-200 is scheduled for tomorrow!

The winglets are a major issue with the 76W; NG really messed up. They resemble the ones on the 752s, which is disappointing. However, Gemini/PHX molds have superior winglets.
The winglets are a major issue with the 76W; NG really messed up. They resemble the ones on the 752s, which is disappointing. However, Gemini/PHX molds have superior winglets.
I agree BUT why are they more important than the 5 or 6 issues on the other moulds several of which are just as visible and arguably worse? They simply aren't - at least not to me, and unless you have a lot of winglet 767s together you wouldn't notice anyway.
Wonder where all the criticism was when GJs lethargic mockery of a 764 dropped.

As usual and unfortunately so, the more forthcoming NG is, the more f****d they get.
I've seen a fair bit of criticism of NG's recent Delta 767-300s (on FB I mean) and comments from some suggesting that the Gemini and/or Phoenix moulds are superior. While I don't disagree that the NG versions have issues the suggestion that the other moulds are better overall just doesn't fit the reality when you compare them. While none are bad moulds, and I'm not telling people what to buy, the reality is that the NG mould is definitely superior in everyway except one. It certainly isn't the 'hot mess' suggested by some and the cockpit windows should be an easy fix.

Here's a quick cheat sheet comparison I made of the 3 all in the same livery. Incidentally the review of the AA 767-200 is scheduled for tomorrow!

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I 100% agree with you! If NG fixes cockpit windows and winglets it would be perfect! Same for NG 777: the cockpit windows has been improved on last releases but the nose shape is still wrong and they could add some details on the engines.
I agree BUT why are they more important than the 5 or 6 issues on the other moulds several of which are just as visible and arguably worse? They simply aren't - at least not to me, and unless you have a lot of winglet 767s together you wouldn't notice anyway.
There are other issues with the NG product that weren't disclosed. Window line seems too high, nose shape is too stubby. Delta titles look too small. Panda nailed the 767 mould, and I would have to side with Gemini for the 763 (764 we will have to see)
Delta titles look too small. Panda nailed the 767 mould, and I would have to side with Gemini for the 763 (764 we will have to see)
The titles are too small as the window line is so high - there simply isn't enough space. I feel like the AA 762 has the same print issues in terms of the cockpit but I don't think that is getting the attention it should. Hopefully these issues are an easy fix but who knows if NG will listen?

Whilst I find the Gemini releases okay, I feel like there is something off with the cockpit on the JC releases. Don't know how that happens as they are built in the same factory. Indeed, they seem to use a darker shade of grey for the windows, which I personally don't like.
There are other issues with the NG product that weren't disclosed. Window line seems too high, nose shape is too stubby. Delta titles look too small. Panda nailed the 767 mould, and I would have to side with Gemini for the 763 (764 we will have to see)
The nose shape is fine and everything else is printwork. Panda haven't made a series 200 or 300 so that is irrelevent.
Whilst I find the Gemini releases okay, I feel like there is something off with the cockpit on the JC releases. Don't know how that happens as they are built in the same factory.
They aren't built in the same factory I believe and use different assembly lines and staff
The nose shape is fine and everything else is printwork. Panda haven't made a series 200 or 300 so that is irrelevent.

They aren't built in the same factory I believe and use different assembly lines and staff
The 767 nose is the same across all the types. So whether we're talking -400, -300, or -200, Panda still wins for nose shape accuracy.
The nose shape look the same, but the cockpit windows look superior on the Panda version indeed.
I have no problem with the NG, but Panda wins for me this time.
The nose shape look the same, but the cockpit windows look superior on the Panda version indeed.
I have no problem with the NG, but Panda wins for me this time.
The fact the cockpit is off just makes the whole nose look odd. The cockpit is arguably the most important part of a model to get right, as if it is wrong, the whole model looks crude imo.
Just want to clarify, I'm not saying the NG version isn't passable.
I'm really trying but I fail to see something noticeably off on this nose. Yes, the cockpit artwork could be improved (windshield height, last frame) but overall I'm quite happy with this mould (except engines) - and I thought I'm a nitpicker.

Btw, anyone able to put this one nose to nose with NG's AA 772 for a comparison?

Uh oh, wrong thread. This was meant to be posted in the AA 762 review 😅
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Major difference in winglets. NG on left GJ on right
The NG 767 cockpit windows also look suspiciously close to 757 windows. The winglet are definitely 757 winglets. I hope they adjust. Another example is their 737s which have always been spot on except for the bottom scimitar which has always been too long, something they never bothered to fix. Panda got the proportions right.