Well-known member
I've seen a fair bit of criticism of NG's recent Delta 767-300s (on FB I mean) and comments from some suggesting that the Gemini and/or Phoenix moulds are superior. While I don't disagree that the NG versions have issues the suggestion that the other moulds are better overall just doesn't fit the reality when you compare them. While none are bad moulds, and I'm not telling people what to buy, the reality is that the NG mould is definitely superior in everyway except one. It certainly isn't the 'hot mess' suggested by some and the cockpit windows should be an easy fix.
Here's a quick cheat sheet comparison I made of the 3 all in the same livery. Incidentally the review of the AA 767-200 is scheduled for tomorrow!

Here's a quick cheat sheet comparison I made of the 3 all in the same livery. Incidentally the review of the AA 767-200 is scheduled for tomorrow!