NG A350 spinning engine blades


Well-known member
After receiving the new Air France A350-900 F-HUVJ from NG, I discovered that I could spin the blades inside of the engine which was impossible on older NG A350s or other models with hollow engines from NG and other brands.

Nice feature from Next Generation models!
There are multiple moulds that have spinning blades from Phoenix and AV400. I didn't think NG bothered with this kind of thing and had actually moved back towards solidcore engines in recent years
After receiving the new Air France A350-900 F-HUVJ from NG, I discovered that I could spin the blades inside of the engine which was impossible on older NG A350s or other models with hollow engines from NG and other brands.

Nice feature from Next Generation models!
Are you sure? because i have the same model and i cant spin the blades. do mind sending a video