Model Review - Caledonian A320 by Phoenix


Staff member
Sometimes you have to compromise to get an airline/aircraft combo that you want. The recent Caledonian A320 from Phoenix was a great choice of release, but uses a mould that I generally avoid. On the plus side, it gives me an opportunity to review a Phoenix 320 for the first time in years. On the negative it is a reminder that despite the impressive progress Phoenix have made there are often still significant gaps between some of their models and the competition:

Agree with you on the fine fuselage printing - that's really a big improvement, but unfortunately not seen immediately, as one would the nose.
The amount of Phoenix moulds needing some tweaks - or even a full replacement - is too damn high! I find quite funny how PHX is always lagging behind competition.

At least they are the only ones releasing IL-96s (and these are good), and their releases have the best variety and mix between classic and modern.
The amount of Phoenix moulds needing some tweaks - or even a full replacement - is too damn high! I find quite funny how PHX is always lagging behind competition.

At least they are the only ones releasing IL-96s (and these are good), and their releases have the best variety and mix between classic and modern.
Right on both counts - PHX is extremely popular though - I guess it's the 'first mover' advantage - as they're the ones to (usually) release a model before the competition, and their models cost less too (still) - at least in East Asia.