Model Review - Air Afrique Airbus A310-304 by Aeroclassics


Staff member
I no longer review a lot of Aeroclassics models but having recently met Andrew in person and still being a solid supporter of the brand I wanted to review one of last month's releases even if it doesn't score the highest possible grade. I love the fact Aeroclassics has released a nice range of interesting African airliners as they are some of my favourites for both their exoticism and their interesting histories. Air Afrique was a concept that deserved longer success and this A310 is a nice addition to my African fleet:

Great review and great model. Love the colors, would definitely have bought it I had unlimited space and budget.
This is a beautiful model and I really hope to get one at some point! I really love this livery, and the AC A310 mould is great. Much better than Gemini and Phoenix, which seem to have really long pylons, with engines almost touching the ground.