Latin Classics Arrivals


Well-known member
Over the past couple of months I've picked up three Latin Classics releases from eBay for decent prices. They don't seem to sell for anywhere near as much when the seller doesn't ship internationally! First up is CC-CCO, which was Lan Chile's first jet aircraft, delivered at the end of March 1964. She was one of 3 Caravelle VI-Rs the airline purchased, which served until 1975 when they all passed to Aerotal of Colombia. I already owned CC-CCP in the later scheme and they make a nice pair:



Fitting more models into the lower S American shelf is getting challenging but just about managed to squeeze in the 2nd Caravelle:



  • LAN_SE210_CC-CCO_09.JPG
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The other pair of Latin Classics arrival feature @Jazajia favourite airline VIASA. These are my 6th and 7th models for the airline and of course will be joined soon by the Aeroclassics Caravelle. The two models include one of a pair of CV-880s originally ordered by AVENSA but delivered to VIASA in August/September 1961. YV-C-VIA was their first CV-880 and flew with them for 6 years before sale to Cathay Pacific. (along with its two sisterships).


The other model is DC-8-53 YV-C-VIC (which has the same reg as the 3rd CV-880 that left for CX in 1965). This DC-8 was delivered On July 1, 1966 and like the 880 that preceded her wore half and half KLM:VIASA colours. The aircraft was sold to AeroPeru in 1974.


I barely have time to keep up with the hobby the way I used to a few months ago, but orange tails always catch my attention. We briefly discussed this a while back Richard, but the artwork on the KLM side of the DC-8 has an error. The cheatline should be a two-tone blue as shown on this postcard from my collection.

It is obvious to me that the AC folks used this photo (one of the few publicly available of the KLM side of that airframe) as a reference and got fooled by the reflections. But then again, we have to give credit where it's due; who else would have even thought of releasing this rather rare hybrid?
I barely have time to keep up with the hobby the way I used to a few months ago, but orange tails always catch my attention. We briefly discussed this a while back Richard, but the artwork on the KLM side of the DC-8 has an error. The cheatline should be a two-tone blue as shown on this postcard from my collection.

It is obvious to me that the AC folks used this photo (one of the few publicly available of the KLM side of that airframe) as a reference and got fooled by the reflections. But then again, we have to give credit where it's due; who else would have even thought of releasing this rather rare hybrid?
Just as well I display models showing the left side :ROFLMAO: