Has the world turned upside down?

Hello my friends, I know it's been a minute since the last time anyone has heard from me. As the end of the year approaches, I find myself scratching my head. Is it just me, or have some of the vendors, mainly those in China, gone mad with their prices

All one need to do is take a look on eBay, Amazon and other platforms. This year has seen some incredible increases in model pricing. I can't help but think some of these price increases are purely out of greed and not actually due to production cost increases. Maybe I am crazy and way off base, but I fail to see any logical explanation for the huge increases

I know that the harder it is to find a particular model, the more premium the price. But on readily available models, it just does not add up. If anyone has an explanation that actually makes sense please enlighten me. I know I could just be lost in the fog of having purchased roughly 135 models this year and my addiction to spending several hours a day "shopping" for more. I need help , I know, but I need prices that make sense, more space for my ever growing collection and a good addiction support group.

More about the growing collection coming soon. Hope everyone is doing well and wishing you all a very safe and happy holiday season. Now I have to run, I caught wind of a much desired and elusive BA A380 Model! TTFN
The cost of models has been going up due to increase in shipping costs, raw material costs, and general inflation in the economy. If companies want to make money when costs are rising they will have to raise the prices of their products, much to the dismay of us collectors. GJ had one over the summer which has been well-documented.

NG’s prices have gone up slightly too — though in my observations that’s because they’re trying to acquire licenses from the airlines. I wouldn’t be shocked if the above factors cause them to raise their prices by a couple bucks down the line. Others are trying to stay at a consistent price but given these factors we might see more price increases from other brands long-term.